Elder Brother

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Chapter 4

Author's POV

In the evening after completing hospital formalities Nishant and Deepika came to Manya's room. Manya was getting ready with the help of the nurse. Nishant and Deepika entered in her room with a big smile on their face.

"Ready to go to your new home, Manya ?" Asked Nishant.

Manya nodded her head hesitantly in approval. She was confused. Lots of negative thoughts were running in her mind. She was feeling like a burden on Mr. And Mrs Sehgal. She couldn't think straight. Her mind was occupied with so many negative thoughts.

Manya's chain of thoughts broke when a nurse entered her room with a wheelchair.

"You are weak, Manya and you came out on coma just yesterday. Suddenly you can't pressurise your body. You need physiotherapy to walk, and proper rest. So doctor suggested to use a wheelchair for some days. After a few days of physiotherapy you can walk, and you can do what ever you want.

Manya slowly said okay and with the help of Nishant and the nurse, sat on the wheelchair.

After sitting in the car they made their way towards their home. Manya was sitting with Deepika on the backseat. And Nishant was sitting on passenger seat with driver. Manya sat silently, looking at the streets and passing trees.

After an hour the car stopped at a big mansion and Nishant came out of the passenger seat and was about to help Manya but a man came out of the mansion and stopped him.

The man was tall, handsome and looking like a model figure. His body was well built. Manya was tensed with this interruption. She couldn't see the face of that man who stopped Nishant because Nishant was blocking her view.

"Sorry Dad! Can I help my sister? Said Arjun.

Arjun was Mr and Mrs Sehgal's son. He is married. He is the current CEO of Sehgal industries after his dad retired.

Arjun come towards the car door and lifted Manya up in bridal style and moved into the mansion.

The mansion was luxurious. All the furniture was well designed. The decor of the house was marvellous. The living room was so big and beautiful. The mansion was not less than a palace.

Arjun took the stairs with Manya in his arms and entered a room and placed Manya on the bed.

All this while Manya was confused and looking here and there awkwardly.

"This is your room Manya. Feel free to ask for anything you want. Don't worry child I know this all is new for you but now we are family so don't feel awkward." said Deepika.

Manya was looking at Arjun who was looking at Manya with smile. Manya was confused who is he? And why was he staring at her?

Nishant noticed Manya's confused expression.

"Oh don't be confused Manya. Arjun is my son and your..." Nishant was interupted in mid sentence by Arjun.

"Sorry dad, for interrupting you again." said Arjun and all chuckled except Manya.

"Hlo Manya! I'm your handsome elder brother. I know now you are confused but don't worry I will explain all the things to you later. But one thing you should know is that if you accepted my parents as your parents so you also have to accept me as your brother." Arjun said with a happy face.

"So my little sister don't worry, you have lots of time to think about my proposal but now you look tired so rest. I will come later. We have plenty of time to explain things." said Arjun and kissed her on her head and left the room.

Manya was still confused and looking at the retreating figure of Arjun. She was confused why this family was treating her with such love ? Why they care? Why someone accepted her as her daughter and sister whereas her own family disowned her and didn't care about her well being?

They didn't mind if she lived or died. But why this family accepted her? She was just a burden on them. Still they were caring for her and loving her like their own daughter.

Manya was thinking all this. But she didn't know about the story behind their love. She didn't know that they were trying to find in her their dead daughter who they lost in an accident.

They found their daughter in her. Arjun found his sister in her when he found his father and mother taking care of a stranger who barely knows them.

Manya didn't know about their pain that changed in love for her.

Manya's thoughts broke when Deepika caressed her head and kissed her and help her to lay down. They both left the room after Deepika told the instructions to nurse who will be taking care of Manya.

Arjun's POV

I am so happy for my parents. We lost our angel in an accident. Mom was totally devasted when Misha died. She was only 9 years old when we lost her. I miss her. All these years I was watching mom and dad cry whenever they feel the absence of their beloved little flower. My mom used to call her 'little flower'. I couldn't see them crying. I tried my best that they don't feel alone but I couldn't replace her in their hearts.

In last one month I noticed that my parents were looking very stressed. When I found about it I was shocked. Why were they taking so much stress about someone who they barely know ?

When I talked to them they told about that girl and what her family did with her. I felt very bad for her. But mom said they feel attraction towards her and they found Misha in her, that they want to take care of her.

On mom's insistence when I first time saw her, she was looking pale and fragile. She looking so innocent. I thought why her parents disliked her so much that they disowned her and threw her out of their life ?

After meeting her I feel the same feeling towards her like I feel for My sister Misha.After that I accept her as sister.And I decided that I will protect her from now on.

We were waiting for her to wake up. When that day came we were so happy. I was not there that time because of work. But I decided that I will be there to welcome her in our house.

When I took her to her room she was looking confused and lost in her thoughts. But I told her that I will talk to her later.

She is now our family so I will take care of her like an elder brother. I will make her happy.


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