You both are the same

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Chapter 15

Author's POV

Manya with Arjun reached the hospital and was sitting in Shobha's cabin while Arjun was waiting for her outside.

"Hello, Manya. How are you? Arjun told me yesterday that you wanted to talk to me." Shobha asked while sitting beside her.

"Hello, aunty, I am fine. But I want to talk about something with you." Said Manya and nervously looked at Shobha.

"Oh bacha, don't be nervous, tell me what is bothering you." Said Shobha and held her hands for assurence.

"Aunty, umm... yesterday we three went to shopping." Said Manya. And told her about the incident that happened there while crying.

Shobha hugged her and consoled her with soothing words.

"Aunty, I don't know why I couldn't move from there. I was standing there, feeling numb. I don't know what happened to me." Said Manya while sobbing on her chest.

"Don't cry, Manya.its ok. It happened because of panic attack." Said Shobha and explained her about her behavior.

"You know Manya. Now you have a wonderful and loving family. They love and care for you so much. You should not think about your past. You should live your life happily and do the things that make you happy. Don't think about anything. Your problems will leave you automatically when you won't think about them." Said Shobha.

Manya looked at her While listening to her calmly.

"You know this is good that you talked about your problems with me." Said Shobha warmly smiling at her.

"I don't want to stress them with my problems. So I thought that I will talk about that incident with you and I am happy that you explain me so well. I'm feeling relieved after talking to you. Thank you so much aunty." said Manya.

"Oh Bacha, don't thank me it's my duty. And you are my friend's daughter, too. And Deepika's daughter is my daughter. Right?" Asked Shobha lovingly and patted her cheek with.

They both ended there conversation and Shobha called Arjun. They both left from there after biding bye to Shobha. Shobha reminded her that she should do things that make her happy. Manya nodded while promising her.

Manya's POV

I'm feeling good after talking to Shobha aunty. She is very good. She explained things to me so well. She is like Deepika ma.

I was thinking about our talk and her suggestions when Bhai called me and stopped the car. I thought we reached home but no, we had stopped infront of a big building. I looked at Bhai confusingly.

Bhai looked at me and chuckled at my confused expressions.

"Manya, this is my office. I have a little work here. If you don't mind, can we go home and bit later ? I will quickly finish my work." He asked.

"It is important. Otherwise I would've cancelled.." He was explaining when I cut him mid way.

"It's okay. I have no problem and by this way, I'll also see your office." I said and smiled.

We entered his private lift and reached his cabin. Bhai told me to sit at the couch placed there and called his assistant, telling her to bringing some file.

His assistant came with a file in his hand and bhai introduce me to him. He asked him to bring three cups of coffee for us.

I was just wondering why did he order three cups when someone entered the cabin after a knock on the door and sat beside me.

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