Feeling Guilty

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Chapter 29

Arhaan's POV

Listening what Arjun said I regretted my actions. How could I put her life in danger? In anger I shouldn't have reacted that way. I didn't notice what I said to her. I hope she would be okay.

"We have to talk, Arhaan, about why did you behave like that and why you were talking about Manya that way. But later. Now we should go to Sehgal mansion." Mom said to dad and me and looked at me in anger.

I nodded and went to my room to change my clothes. I was getting ready when my investigator called me whom I had hired to investigate whatever happened during party. I received the call and what he said to me shook me at my heart.

After hearing about her past life I felt anger building inside me, but not on her, on myself for behaving like a jerk and a monster towards her. What I did to her?

How would I meet eyes with Arjun and Manya? He trusted me for her safety and I broke his trust. But now it's not the time to feel guilty or sad. First I want to find Manya.

I went down where mom and dad were waiting for me and we left for Sehgal mansion.

When we reached there we went into the hall where we saw Deepika aunty and Amrita crying while Nishant Uncle was trying to calm her. He was also looking very sad and depressed. I'm feeling like punching myself. It's all because of me.
Mom went towards Deepika aunty and Amrita and hugged them while trying to calm them.

I went to Arjun who was talking to someone and recognised. He was ACP Abhinav. Arjun looked at me and told me to tell Abhinav when or where I dropped Manya. I told him everything except for my taunts.

"First we have to see the footage of the front cameras." Said Abhinav to Arjun.

Arjun nodded and took us to the security room. We saw the video when Manya got out from my car then I didn't wait for her to enter and left from there. Arjun looked at me in disappointment. I lowerd down my eyes in shame and guilt. How will I tell him about my behavior towards her? I thought.

We saw the video after my departure she stood at the entrance for sometime then she took steps back and ran on the road.

We all looked at each other. Abhinav looked towards me and asked me.

"Did you notice something different in her behavior?" He asked.

Now I can't hide the truth from Arjun so I decided to tell him everything.

"Arjun, when yesterday that man, Aditya came and claimed that he's Manya's fiance, I recognised him as the same man who came for a meeting in my office. I asked Manya about it but she said nothing to me. I told her to tell you. She promised me that she would tell me because she doesn't want to hurt her family. Situation got turned after Aditya's arrival. I was angry on her that she hid such thing from everyone. I thought..." I couldn't tell him what I said to her, I stuttered,  but Arjun completed my sentence in anger.

"That... she's taking advantage of our love." He said and I nodded.

"How could you Arhaan? I trusted you. Do you know that.. that bastard was blackmailing my sister. Today I found everything about that dirty man. I know he is dangerous. He wanted to use Manya. Your one mistake put my sister's life in danger." He shouted at me.

"I'm sorry, Arjun. I know I did a big mistake. In anger I didn't think straight. I also got to know about him from my investigator just an hour ago. It's not time to fight. Please punish me for my behavior after we find Manya. Please.." I said and looked at him hopefully.

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