Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Third Person

Elliot lifted the cigarette to his sultry lips, hands steady as ever as he blithely let the chemical infused smoke tarnish his lungs. He became tolerant to the bitter taste of nicotine, just as many did with black coffee or grapefruit even.

Addicted no, Elliot was no addict nor would he ever be. Smoking was a habit, he had a lot of those, a majority of them bad. Each drag was slow, savored, he had no need to rush a good cigarette. Some say he fancied self-inflicting harmful things, he called it doing whatever the fuck he wanted.

As he sat on the balcony of his apartment in his Adirondack chair, he gazed into the dark watching the grey-blue smoke spiral loosely into dusk. Late evenings was when sound dwindled into mere quiet, where he could find some peace.

Elliot's brain could be quite problematic sometimes, thinking impulsive thoughts, releasing crude comments, or just whatever was on his mind rude or not. But now, at this time he had a break, not a lot of sound to set off his brewing storm.

Earlier Elliot had dropped off the girl who somehow equally irked him and also drove his head mad with thoughts. She was pure as pure could be and it irritated him, but another part of him, a small part was fond of it.

There were very few things Elliot was fond of, and he was annoyed how this girl almost instantly became one of those things. He noticed the little things she did even when he didn't want to. He saw the way she squeezed her pencil extra tight, how her hands trembled always when around others, and he definitely saw the way she was around that boy Oliver.

Adrian was comfortable around Oliver, he squeezed her hand and she let him. That made Elliot furious.

She got under his skin without even trying and that infuriated him further. He hated how she looked at him with her big blue doe eyes, how her curiosity overpowered her acute fear. Like who the fuck did she think she was?

How stupid she was to want to be his friend, to even admit she liked him at all. But he would be lying if he said he didn't fancy every single word that came out of Adrian's dulcet lips, the way her voice held a soft-spoken innocence.

He hadn't bothered with any other girls since hasn't felt the need to, they were a bore anyway. He knew about the lustful stares he received, how his every step was practically worshipped by annoying teenage girls, what he could do to them, but it got old real quick.

Adrian didn't look at him like that, she avoided him to a 't' along with every other person she came across, especially him though. But he knew better, she did watch him, just in the subtle dart of her ocean eyes in his direction, and the tint of her satin pink cheeks.

It wasn't a lustful look, she was intimidated by him, but oh so curious.

Elliot took one last drag of his diminishing stick of tar before flicking it onto the ground and stomping out the dwindling flames with his boot. She was his but not because he said so, but because she wanted it just as bad.


There she was walking through the crowded hallway, holding her notebooks tight to her chest, looking on the verge of crying. Cheeks blooming in pale shades of scarlet, nose cherry, and lips freshly bitten.

Elliot always seemed to notice when she was near, not that he looked for her, but because she somehow stuck out. In contrast to other girls, she was short, small-framed, with pale blonde hair that was hard not to see.

Pushing off the lockers he was leaning on he starts walking. "Man, where are you going?" Red called behind him.

Elliot ignored him, he zoned out of their conversation long before he'd seen Adrian and right now could care less about hurting his friends fucking feelings. Multiple people jumped out of his way as he walked, while others who didn't see him were shoved to the side as he struts past.

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