Chp4: Hello?

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Leon's POV:

I'm 17 now! I'm still dating the Witch! I've been attending Studio 21 for quite awhile now. I think I've finally gotten over the whole Vilu situation. I still miss her though. People tell me I'm vain and rude. I know I am, but Lumilla blackmails me to be rude. Otherwise, she'll spread rumors that aren't true. Nobody wants to mess with Ludmilla. Although, I think I might dumb her soon to get a girl I really love. I haven't really kissed Ludmilla before. I mean on the lips. Anyway, Ludmilla and I are walking to the bus at 5 pm. Her dad's kind of strict.

Ludmilla: Leon! Leon!!! You aren't paying any attention to me. ~She shouted rudely.~
Leon: Yeah, I'am! Wait, go in and go home. Ill call you later. Bye!~ I said walking away. I saw a girl walking on the side walk, and some skate boarders about to hit her while riding.~

I run and catch her wrist, twirling her into my arms with her head on my chest, breathing heavily. She finally looked up. Wait! I know this girl.

Leon: Violetta?? ~Still holding onto her arms, but pulling away abit~
?: Leon? ~She said with joy!~
Leon: It's you! I've missed you so much! How are you? How's Mr. Castillo? When did you come?~I asked bombing her with questions.~
Vilu: Calm down Leon! I came back yesterday. My dad's fine, I missed you too. Also, I'm doing really good. ~She said pulling me into another hug.~
Vilu: Do you want to walk me home?
Leon: Yeah totally..~I don't know what's happening, but I feel attracted to her.~

The rest of the time we catch up on our lives, and talk about old memories. We finally arrive at Vilu's old house.

Leon: I haven't seen this house in ages.~I said walking with Vilu to the front door~
Vilu:Yeah, I missed this house. Do you want to come in? ~She asked with the cutest smile ever~
Leon: Thanks, but no. I'll drop by another time. It was really good seeing you. Do you perhaps, by any chance want to join Studio 21? I mean, since you told me that your passion is music.
Vilu: I don't know? My dad is very protective over me, but I'll ask him. Also, it was really good seeing to you too.
Leon: OK, here's my number if you want to call me.... You know, about the studio or if you want to talk to someone.~I said awkwardly, giving her a peice of paper with my number on it.~
Vilu: Yeah, totally! Bye! ~She said blushing~

I just gave her a smile, kissed her on the cheeks, and walked away. I went home and dreamt myself to sleep, with Violetta on my mind....

Violetta POV:

Vilu: Yeah, totally! Bye!~I said blushing, I hope he doesn't notice.~

He then kissed me on the check, then left. I feel attracted to him. Wow! Can't believe I just said that! I put the milk in the fridge (I know what your thinking, "That's why she was walking out!"). I went up to my room (Without having dinner), and dreamt myself to sleep with Leon on my mind.


I think I wrote more this time. Please, remember to comment. I need the motivation! Hope you enjoy!😏

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