Chp7: Date (1)

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Leon's POV:

I'm wearing a blue jean, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. It's 7 o'clock, and I'm riding toward her house. I knock on her door, and Herman opens it?

Herman: Leon? Is that you? Ahh.... You've changed so much. Wait, are you the guy my daughters going out with tonight?~He asked worried.~
Leon: Hello sir, and Yes! I'm taking Vilu on a date tonight.~
Herman: Well then.. First of all, I want her back by 10 o'clock. Second of all, if you break her heart I will break yo-..~He was cut off by Vilu, coming down the stairs and walking towards the door.~
Vilu: Dad! Come on Leon. I'll talk to you later dad!~She said talking my hand and dragging me towards the car.~

I stop her at my mother bike.

Leon: Woah Vilu, calm down. I understand that your dad is a bit...........~I tried saying without trying to sound offensive towards her dad.~
Vilu: Over protective..~She said finishing my sentence.~
Leon: Yeah, kind of. ~I agreed.~ Vilu, you also look beautiful tonight. (She is wearing a flowery short sleeve shirt with a collar, a belt, a blue jean, and tied back hair.)
Vilu: Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself. What are we going to do tonight?~She said smiling widely.~
Leon: I'm taking you to a fancy restaurant, then weir going on a lovely stroll threw the park.~I said smiling.~
Vilu: Great!~She said smiling back.~

I gave her my only helmet, and I climbed on first. She then climbed on after me, and grabbed my waist. We drove to the restaurant, and walked in.

Leon: A reservation for Vargas. Two people.~I said.~
Waiter: Ahh yes! Vargas, follow me.~She said talking two menus and showing us our table.~

We took a seat, ordered drinks and food. We talked while waiting for the food and drinks.

Vilu: I never knew you booked a reservation?~She said impressed.~
Leon: This place is booked a lot of the time. I had to make one.~I said laughing.~

Then we just talked about our lives again, then the food and the drinks came. When we finished, I drove to the park. We were walking, and the moon was shining on Vilu beautifully. We were just walking threw the park when Vilu told me something I've wanted to tell her too.

Vilu: Leon, I need to get sometime off my chest. I like you a lot, and I get it if you don't feel the same but.....~She said but I cut her off by kissing her.~

I felt fireworks everywhere! When I pulled away I had to ask her an important question.

Leon: Vilu, do you want to be my girlfriend?


What will Vilu say? I myself hope she says yes. But, luckily I know the answer. Thanks for all the readers out there. Remember, this is part 1, there's still part 2. 😄

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