chapter twelve

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I heard the front door open, signalling to me that Molly was back.

"Molly! I've found some really great people that look like they'd fit the job perfectly! You need to come check them out" I shouted out to her. I got no response and turned my head just as she stormed past the living room. I just got a glimpse of the waterfall of tears that were streaming down her cheeks. "Molly?" I shot up from the floor and ran after to her. I got to her bedroom right behind her, only to have it slammed in my face. What did I do? I tried opening the door but knew she'd have locked it. "Molly open up" I said as I started banging on the door.

"Leave me alone" She choked out. The tone in her voice made me realise straight away that it she wasn't mad, she was hurt.

"Open this door right now" I demanded. I got no reply and gave up trying to bang the door down. "Molly, what happened?" I asked her, more calmer this time. 

"I don't deserve him. They're right" She whimpered. 

"Don't deserve who? Niall?" I asked in confusion. "And who's right- Molly please let me in" I begged. Once again I got no response. I let out a frustrated sigh before walking away from her bedroom.

. . .

It had been half an hour since Molly had locked herself in her bedroom. I had tried every five minutes to get her to open the door, but she wouldn't unlock it. I was getting really worried and the only thing I could think to do was call Niall.

"Hello?" He picked up after the 3rd ring.

"Niall, somethings happened with Molly" I blurted out before realising that came out much worse then anticipated.

"What's happened" He said quickly, worry taking over his voice.

"She got home and stormed to her room. When I asked her what happened she just said 'I don't deserve him. They're right'. I've tried getting her to-"

"Shit" Niall interrupted as though he knew everything already.

"What?!" I asked, half frustrated and half worried.

"I think she must have run into some fans. Or maybe she's read something online. I'm coming now" Niall said quickly. I heard him mumbling on the other side of the phone to someone.

"What do you mean read something?" I asked him, although I think I already had a pretty good guess.

"Since we started dating there's been multiple tweets and stuff written. There's some about you but-" He started, but stopped soon after. I heard someone else say something again but didn't know what or who it was.

"There's some about-"

"Don't read any of it. It's not true and I shouldn't have brought it up" Niall rushed out. "I'm sorry Emily, I have to go. I'm on my way now" He added before hanging up.

I slowly sat down on the couch, thinking over everything Niall just said. There were tweets about me? By who? And why?

I sat staring at my turned off phone for 2 minutes before my curiosity got the better of me. I hadn't been on twitter in ages, maybe a few weeks. I unlocked my phone and opened up my twitter to find I had been mentioned in countless amount of tweets. My eyes landed on the first one and I read it.

Sweetkristy123: WTF! Emily is so UGLY! Why the hell is Harry with her?!

I took in a shaky breath before scrolling on to the next ones.

Amelia_1989: Why the hell is Niall dating that Molly bitch! More to the point why is Harry dating Emily! She's just as pathetic... if not more!

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