chapter eighteen

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I pulled my doona cover over my head. The light shining through my window was too bright for my liking. My head felt like it was being pounded against a brick wall. It was excruciating. My lips were dry as well as my throat. The dehydrating feeling lead me to believe, I had dunk a lot last night.

"Emily" Someone said. They were loud. Too loud and I wanted them gone. I wanted the light gone, I wanted this head ache gone, I wanted them gone. "Emily I got you some water"

Water. That's something I didn't want gone.

I quickly pushed the doona down from over my head. The light instantly shone directly onto my face and I let out a groan.

My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I was met with Harry holding a glass of water. I took the water gratefully and began chugging it down.

"Hold up. I got you some pain killers too" Harry chuckled as he held out two tablets.

"Thank you" I mumbled as I took the pain killers and swallowed them down with my last bit of water. 

I placed the now empty glass on my side table and grabbed switched on my phone. 8:33.

"It's early" I groaned as I lay back down and pulled he doona back over my head.

"I know. But we're leaving soon"

I instantly knew what he was talking about and I felt my stomach drop. I wasn't supposed to feel like this about Harry leaving. I was supposed to say a simple and easy goodbye. But for some reason, I didn't actually want Harry gone.

"What time?" I asked him quietly. So quietly that I don't know if he had heard seeing as I was under my doona.

"9:30" He said, just as quietly as I had.

I let out a quiet sigh and pulled the doona down to sit back up, but stopped half way. I was wearing Harry's top. And that's never a good sign.

I hesitantly, but subtly, lifted the doona up. I had shorts on. But that doesn't exactly mean much.

"Nothing happened. It's ok" Harry chuckled. I shot my head up to him both in relief and embarrassment. I guess I didn't so subtly lift up my doona.

"Why am I wearing this?" I asked causing Harry to let out another chuckle.

"You were begging me for it last night" Harry said. I let out a groan and felt my face heat up. "You think that's bad? Check the back"

I shot up from my bed only for everything to go dizzy. The room felt like it was moving with me in it.

Suddenly Harry's hands gripped my shoulders and I felt myself being steadied. 

"Be careful" He said as he frowned down at me.

"I was careful" I responded before I shook his hands from me and walked to my full length mirror.

The first thing I noticed was how large Harry's top was on me. It came down to mid thigh, but actually looked kinda good. The second thing I noticed was how awful I looked. My hair was knotted and there were flyaways sticking out in every direction. My mascara was smudged. And my eyes were puffy underneath. 

I turned around, not wanting to look at myself for a second longer, and looked behind me at the top through the mirror.

Oh god.

"What the hell is it?" I wheeled around to face Harry.

"It's me" Harry said as though it should be obvious.

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