chapter thirty-six

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"But do you have to go baby?" Harry groaned as he stood behind me, resting his head on my shoulder and his hands on my stomach.

"Yes babe, I told you Molly and I need to get back to the cafe" I replied, folding up my jeans and placing them in my bag. "We've both been away for close to a week now, for the second time this month" 

Molly and I were both aware that having one of us away from the cafe wasn't much of a problem. But the fact that we'd both left at the same time when we found out the band broke up and when we were coming to the X-Factor finals, it wasn't an entirely good idea.

"Would you like one of my hoodies?" Harry asked as I went to zip up my bag. I turned around in his hold, giving him a wide grin.

"Can I have this one?" I asked, pointing to his Obsession sweater. Harry's hand left my waist to pull off his sweater. He handed it to me and I took it gratefully, giving him a quick peck before folding it up and placing it into my bag.

"Who let me drink so much?" I turned back around at Molly's voice as she came into Harry's room, Niall following behind her.

"I told you countless amount of times your heads gonna hate you in the morning, but you didn't care" I told her, zipping my bag back up. "Are you ready to go?" I asked her. Molly nodded her head in response.

"We need to get back. I've gotten countless amount of messages from Avery saying something about one of the coffee machines being broken. I'm starting to think we should have left Max in charge" Molly said, causing me to chuckle. "Niall and I are going back to his first so I can get my stuff. I'll see you at the airport" 

"Alright" I turned back to Harry as Niall and Molly left his room. "When will I get to see you next?" 

"Well seeing as I don't have much to do for a while, I guess whenever" Harry responded. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head against his chest. 

. . .

Molly had ended up making it to the airport just as our plane flight was called over the speaker. This resulted in her and Niall's goodbye being a very quick kiss before the two of us rushed off down the terminal. Harry's and my goodbye however, was a much longer one. We'd spent the half hour we had there, just talking and making each other laugh.

Of course the two of us were sad that I was leaving again, but it wasn't like one of those extremely sad goodbyes in the movies because we both knew it wouldn't be that long before we saw each other again. 

The taxi Molly and I were in, finally pulled up to the cafe. Molly grabbed her small suitcase from the boot of the taxi and I slung my backpack over my shoulder. I paid the driver before the two of us made our way into the cafe.

I looked over to the register and I saw Becky running the till. Confused as to why she wasn't in the kitchen which was her job and why she was even here on her day off, I looked around for Avery. My eyes landed on Max who's head shot up to me and Molly. He gave a couple their drinks before rushing over to Molly and I.

"Molly, Emily, thank god. Avery has been crying nonstop and snapping at any man that tries to talk to her. I had to make her work in the kitchen and call in Becky and James to wait the tables and do the register" Max rushed out.

"Why is she crying and why is she angry?" I asked, now regretting leaving Avery in charge.

"I'm pretty sure her boyfriend cheated on her" Max replied.

"Oh dear god, I'll deal with her" Molly said, rushing off to the back kitchen. Max turned around to the women who had grabbed his attention and he began taking her order.

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