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The team didn't have much to go off of from the description 'six children', and hadn't exactly had time to research before they got there. So when someone M'gann and Conner's age had opened the door, they'd been somewhat taken aback.

All six kids were lined up, in order of age, in the foyer. They looked like the dark mode version of those kids from The Sound of Music.

There was something creepy about it... all but one of them had dark hair, but didn't look like they were related, they didn't even seem to be the same ethnicity. So, either Bruce Wayne was a serial condom-forgetter, or they were adopted, something that Batman didn't mention.They all stared at the team, some smiling, some scowling, all definitely in on some universal secret the team didn't know.

"Hi!" The youngest waved, earning an elbow from his sibling. 

M'gann practically squealed at the little boy, and his closest, older sister. They were so adorable and tiny! Most of the younger kids didn't have shoes on, and were clad in increasingly worn-in hand-me-downs.

The oldest two were scary. They had the same terrifying energy, but in opposite directions. Despite their differences, they had one thing in common, both were furiously protective of their little siblings.

"Hello, you must be Bruce Wayne's children."

"We are." The eldest looked them all up-and-down. He their age, but was still endlessly more intimidating. "You are the team sent to protect us."

"Yea." Wally shrugged. "Should we... do introductions? Cause, I'm Kid Flash."

"Hello, I'm Ms. Martian." The girl smiled extra wide for the little kids, she was one of those people who baby-fever at age sixteen.

"Artemis." She stated, giving a judgemental opinion of each person before her.

"I am Aqualad, I lead the team." Kaldur introduced himself earnestly, shaking the redheaded girl's hand.

"My name is Superboy, and I will have to leave for a bit everyday to take care of my Wolf." Conner stated.

"Wolf?" The oldest Wayne-child asked.

Conner prepared to explain himself. "He's a mutated wolf, I found him on a mission, I know it's not normal, but-"

"When can I meet him?" The eldest cut him off.


"You heard me. When can I meet your wolf?"

The redhead laughed awkwardly, shooting a glare, and her elbow, at the other sixteen year old. "Sorry, Dami's a bit animal crazy."

"I want to ensure the creature is actually being cared for." He spat back at her.

"Oh, we feed him properly, we did our research!" M'gann assured. 

Conner was offended this guy thought he didn't care for his dog. "When we're away, he has the whole mountain, inside and outside, to himself. I'm not insane, I take care of him!" 

The redhead apologized for her brother, who got pissed in return. The two began bickering as the other kids rolled their eyes, and got distracted.

"Are you gonna tell us your names?" Artemis interrupted.

The oldest, scariest turned to face them. "Damian Wayne."

The redhead sighed, dropping the fight. "Hi, I'm Barbra Gordon. I'm sorry about all of them."

"Tim Drake." Tim waved a little. "By the way, they're both sixteen, and I'm fifteen."

"Sup, I'm Jason. Todd. fourteen." A smug looking teen smirked at them. 

There were a few seconds of silence as everyone looked at the preteen girl with the black bob next to him. The team wondered why she didn't introduce herself.

"That's Cassie! Cassie Cain, she's twelve." The youngest stated, hugging her arm for just a second. "Hi, I'm Dick."

"Dick Grayson, he's Six." Jason finished.


"He's also scared of you!"

"Am not!"

"Are Too."

"No I'm not!" The boy ran to his brother, threatening to hit him.

"Oh yeah/ Why were you so scared?" Dick tried to hit him, but Jason held him away to ensure no damage to his ankles. "Are you still scared of them?"

"Jason, come on! He's half your age!" Barbra sighed, striding over to break them up.

"Jay, chill out." Tim rolled his eyes, helping Barbra. Tim wasn't one of the younger kids, but wasn't quite one of the older kids, so he really just had to pick sides.

"Aw, C'mon, Dickie's a big kid, can fight his own battles, he doesn't need you to protect him!"


Barbra gave him a 'why did you have to say that' look. "Jason, stop verbally manipulating him."

They continued to bicker, shoving each other around. While Cass sat on the floor, ignoring, them and doing her own thing, and Damian offered to take them to their rooms.

God, this was going to a tough mission.

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