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-UHHH I'm in a good mood because my best friend and her family (Basically my family for 13 years) are using my preferred name and pronouns!!-

"I want to show you around!" The seven year old stated to the group at large. He really wanted to impress the teenagers.

"No thanks." Artemis replied, taking her duffle bag into her room to unpack. Wally gave her a look, no need to be rude to an excited little kid.

"Do you mind if I take a minute?" Conner asked, claiming his own bedroom, unlike Artemis, he wanted to skip to avoid being mean to little kids.

"I'd like to see your house." M'gann bent down to his height. "Where do we start?"

The little boy thought about it. "The stairs, like before, then the kitchen and dining room and living room." He stated confidently.

"Let's go! Are you guys coming?" She turned to Kaldur and Wally.

"I'll come, I'd like to know my way around."

"Oki Doki. Take it away!" Was the redheads response. He'd been on board since he'd heard the word 'kitchen'.

Dick proudly showed the way back to the foyer, and lead the way through the dining room and into the kitchen, where one of his brother's was situated. "Here is the kitchen, eat anything you want." He was just starting an in-depth description on which drawers stored what when his fifteen year old brother cut him off.

"Giving a tour?"


Dick tried to go back to his business, but the fifteen year old continue. "You guys can help yourself to anything except if it has someone's name on it. and don't touch the top cupboard. there's alcohol in there, but Bruce doesn't know we know..."

"And leave some of the ice cream." Dick agreed. "Now, go, I'm doing a tour!"

"Can I tag along? Just to clear a few things up?" The teen asked.

"No, Timmy! I'm doing it!"

"I know, can I help you?"


"Well, can I at least come on the tour?" Tim asked.

"...Fine." Dick agreed, leading down a wide, side hallway. "There's the second stairs." He pointed to what must have been servants' stairs back in the day, but now seemed relatively trafficked.

"They lead up to the end of the west hallway, opposite the one where your bedrooms are." Tim clarified. 

"Don't interrupt!" His brother ordered. "I'm doing the tour."

"Sorry, Sorry."

Dick lead them through yet another side hallway, past another fifteen-odd doors. "There's another bathroom, and in there, down another hall, there is the ballroom, but we only use that for special times."

"Very cool." M'gann encouraged.

"This place is huge." Wally whistled. "How come don't you get lost?"

"I live here, I know it really well!" Dick bragged, leading through the doorframe and into a wide, comfortable room. "The living room! Alfred calls it the 'drawing room', but it's the living room."

Inside, the girls and the fourteen year old were doing their own things. The younger female with the lopsided bob was lying seemingly writing something in a notebook. The elder, with the red hair was typing busily at a laptop in one corner. The boy with the nearly-black auburn hair was sitting upside down on the couch, watching tv and stuffing himself with hot Cheetos.

"Jesus, Jay, I don't how you can put back a whole bag of those in one sitting. It's disgusting." Barbra, the redhead, said. She didn't notice the five in the doorway. "They're called family size for a reason."

"And I'm an orphan for a reason. I am my whole family, thus, I eat the whole bag." Jay shoved his whole hot-Cheeto-dust covered fist in his mouth.

"You're repulsive. Way to disregard all five of your siblings, asshole." She replied. "and then there's Steph, what would she think of you not sharing?"

"Doesn't matter, Steph is in Italy fucking around-"

Tim cleared his throat. Immediately, Barbra tore out her other earbud, even the twelve year old glanced up. 

Barbra gave her brother one last glare and turned to face the group. "Hey guys. What're you doing, Dickie?" Her whole demeanor had changed from the way it was a second ago.

"I'm doing a tour." He said.

"Nice, have you guys already done the whole downstairs?"

"I showed them everywhere dad said we're allowed to." 

Barbra stiffened a little, but casually relaxed. "Awesome. That's a lot of stuff to cover, how about I do the upstairs?"

"No I wanna!" The youngest protested.

"Hey, you haven't had your screen time today, how about Jason moves aside and let's you pick a show." She eyed her other brother. 

Dick thought about it, she drove one hell of a bargain. "Okay." He turned to the teammates. "If you want my help I'm in here!" 

"Thank you." M'gann reached out and actually managed to touch his head. Tim tightened his grip on the boy's shoulder.

"Let me show you guys the upstairs!" Barbra ushered the teens out.

Dick climbed up onto the sofa, making a grab for the remote. "Babs said I could pick."

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