Chapter 18

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Nya's POV

"He friendzoned you?" Lloyd asked, checking himself out in the mirror. I throw a pillow at him, "Yep. I don't think he even realised. You should have seen the look on his face after I abruptly said we had to leave to find Skylor's mom."

Lloyd chucked the pillow back, "I really thought you'd be together by now. He seems to really like you."

I wasn't stupid; I knew Lloyd still had feelings for me, he wasn't doing a good job at hiding them. I hurl the pillow back, "And I thought you'd be able to successfully name every food option on the Buddy's Pizza menu by now too, but look where we're at."

The pillow was thrown back at me, "Well, if you hadn't noticed, I'm limiting myself. I'm not risking getting killed, I'd like to outlive Trump, please. But then again I'm not surprised that you haven't realised, since you're too busy with Jay-"

Sitting up, I throw the pillow as hard as I can, neatly whacking him in the face. He throws it back and jumps on the bed. "You-" he pokes my nose, "-have a huge, huge, huge crush on Jay-" he pointed to the door, "-and you're too scared to tell him in case he has a girlfriend back at the highschool he went to!"

I grab the pillow and cover my face, mumbling into it, "I'm not scared. If you haven't noticed, there's a huge hitlist going around with all our names on it worth millions, so I'm sorry if asking Jay out isn't my first priority at the moment."

"Nah, I get it." He responded, purposefully sitting on my feet, "It's like the Purge,'s not the Purge, it's more like..."

"The people hunting us are most likely Bounty Hunters, or just citizens in need of money. The list didn't have a title telling them why we needed to be killed, it just has our names. However, nobody's been killed for a while, and as your annoying best friend-"

"Who tried to kiss me." I cut him off, smirking. He whacks me with the pillow, his face red, and continues talking, "As I was saying, ahem, as your annoying best friend, it's my personal mission to help you get together with Jay, and all this will just be a funny story I can work into my wedding toast."

"Let's hope I even live to see my wedding." I grumble, pulling the covers over my head. Lloyd snatches the duvet, "You will make it to your wedding. I can already see it; crystal chandeliers, blue themed, foot massages-"

I frown, "Foot massages?"

"Okay, maybe not foot massages, but those fancy little sandwiches with the crusts cut off!"

I burst out laughing. When we were kids, Lloyd and I would plan our weddings. Mine would happen in autumn or winter, with a blue theme to go with it. He wanted his to be at the place where they shot Die Hard, with a huge cake in the shape of a lollipop, and for some odd reason he wanted a horse at the ceremony, to celebrate the fact that there was a bank in England named after him, with a green theme: Lloyds Bank.

"Guys!" Cole skidded to a halt outside the doors, "Royal visit!"

Lloyd and I simultaneously groan. I sit up and scan the room, "Eh, it's not that messy."

Cole nodded, "Yeah, looks okay, just hide anything that's element-related. We're lucky Pixal put Harumi in her place last time."

"Why do they have to come to the schools again?" Lloyd asked. Cole shrugged, "Apparently it's just our school. They heard about the hitlist."

I jump off the bed, "Do they know why we're on it?" He shook his head and I sigh in relief.

"At least...I hope they don't know..."

"Cole!" I yelp, "You just said they don't know!"

"They probably don't." Lloyd assured, "But they'll find out if we don't hide it properly. So let's just..." he grabbed the book of elements from his desk and opened the window. I folded my arms, "Throwing it out of the window?"

He dismissed it, "I can fetch it later." I stare at him, a smirk rising on my lips as I hear the faint pattering of rain. He groaned and flopped on his bed, "Asshole."

I laugh, "Love you too. Now-" I throw his shoe at him, "-get tidying." 

He sits up, "Where are you off to- you're gonna see Jay, aren't you?" I exhale deeply before grabbing his latest edition of the Fritz Donnegan comic and throw it at his face, "My side's clean. It's all you, bud! I'll be back after running a few errands."

"Do one of those many errands involve sneaking off and hanging out with Jay whilst I'm suffering here?"

I shrug, "Something like that, yeah." As I leave, I can hear him yell.

"There will be repercussions! Ya hear me?"

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