Chapter 20

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Y'all are gonna hate me *nervous laugh*

Nya's POV

My cheek stung as I sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I see Lloyd sitting beside me, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "Sorry...I tried shaking you awake, and when that didn't work I tried yelling in your ear, then water, then tickling and...yeah."

I groan, "Did you really have to slap me that hard?" Once I've adjusted to my surroundings, I glance around the room, "Is Skylor alright?"

Lloyd frowned, "Skylor wasn't in here when I found you." I shake my head, and grip my hair, "No no no...Amber...she hit me."

"Amber seems so nice-" I glare at Lloyd, "-never mind. What, she just punched out unconscious?"

"No, she had a bat. She must have knocked Skylor out and taken her as well." I mumble. Lloyd slings an arm around me and helps me up, "I called everyone after I found you. They're in Cole and Jay's room. Let's go."

We head out and down the corridors until we reach Cole's dorm, where Kai was leaning against the door.

"So, here's what we know. Skylor's been taken by Amber, according to Nya, who was knocked out for the majority of it, but there's no other explanation as to where she's gone unless she randomly decided to join forces with her mother, which would be bad, due to the fact that she has the power of Amber, and can absorb any power she desires-"

"Morro, can you please stay on track?!" Seliel yelped. Nodding, Morro set down the hitlist, "I think Amber's gonna kill Skylor."

"Why?" Kai asked, getting angrier by the minute. Pixal looked up, "I think I know why...and I don't think she's killing for the money."

Skylor's POV

"About time you woke up. I've been wanting to gloat but you were out cold." I look up to see my mother pacing in front of me, fiddling with a knife.

I glare at her, "Bitch."

"I prefer the term 'Mom.' And the sad thing is you don't even know why I took you!"

"Is it about money? Mom, you wouldn't choose money over family, would you?"

"Hmm...maybe. But I don't want money. I want power. Every moment you learned a new skill with your power, I grew weaker. Once you reach your true potential, I'll be completely powerless. Tell me, Ariel, what happens when a former elemental master kills their biological child?"

I let out a shaky breath, "The powers go back to the previous holder."

"Exactly. But I'm not gonna kill you just yet. These chains holding you, they're vengestone. You can't get far. I'm gonna wait, until all your friends get killed by the public, rub it in your face about the fact that they're gone, and kill you. With my power, I can take out the Royal Family and rule Ninjago!"

"Why?" I asked. She clicked her teeth, "Your suspicions are confirmed, Skylor. I made the hitlist. And all your friends are going to die. Let's just say...someone left an anonymous tip for the Royal Family, stating who the students of Darkley's Boarding School really were."

"They'll find me, Amber." I taunt, "You won't last long."

She pulled out a sword, "Well then it's a good thing I can spar."

3rd Person POV

"My sensors have detected movement coming from below." Zane stated. Cole raised an eyebrow, "Below as in...the floor below?"

"No. The basement."

Kai straightened up, "Then that's where Skylor is. Gear up. We'll meet by the entrance."

Without giving anyone any time to object, he raced off.

Everyone dispersed off, locating weapons. Nya reached for her bow and arrow, but stopped herself as she looked over at the trident resting at the end of her bed. She took that instead, along with some brass knuckles. Lloyd armed himself with a katana and a blade.

Kai had armed himself with an assortment of knives, and a sword. Zane was taking shurikens and a baseball bat.

Cole had taken a scythe, and Jay pondered over the nun chucks and a silver blade, before opting for the nun chucks.

Pixal was taking double swords, and Seliel was taking a katana too, whilst Morro armed up with aeroblades.

Meeting up at the entrance, they gave a firm nod to each other, before marching to the basement door. Using his powers, Kai burnt it down and crept in first, followed by everyone else, stopping short at the sound of cars pulling up outside the school. Several guards ran in, holding guns. Wu came out from one of the rooms, "What's going on?"

"Strict orders from the Royal Family. Every resident of this school is to be killed on sight." He raised his gun and was about to pull the trigger when he was suddenly knocked out. Wu looked up to see Garmadon wielding his bamboo staff.

Morro nudged Kai, "We need to split up. Wu and Garmadon can't fight those guards alone."

Kai nodded, "Okay. Nya, Lloyd, Jay and Pixal with me. Cole, Zane, Seliel, go with Morro." They go off, and Kai continues his descent down to the basement, his sword drawn.

Nya peered around the corner to see Skylor tied up, and Amber pacing back and forth as she held a sword.

Pixal stepped out, both swords drawn, "Hands up."

Amber laughed, "Oh! Skylor was right, you would find her. It's a pity you're not going to get out of here alive."

Lloyd glanced around, "It's five against one. We can handle it." Kai made the first move, metal clanging with metal, grunts of concentration filling the air. Using that moment, Nya and Pixal snuck forward to pick the locks of the vengestone chains.

Lloyd and Jay also helped Kai battle Amber, as they fought without taking a single break. Nya reached into her pocket, bringing out a bobby pin. Narrowing her eyes, she twisted it around in the lock hole, until she heard a small click, as the chains came loose. Skylor stumbled to her feet as Pixal whispered in her ear, "Upstairs. Help the others fight the guards."

Nodding, Skylor sprinted up the wooden steps.

Jay had no clue what he was doing. He'd never fought before. The only time he'd fought was a simple spar session in class. He simply waved his nunchucks around, dodging blows from Amber's sword.

Getting mad, Kai summoned fire and hurled it at her, only for her sword to diminish the flames. Lloyd produced a ball of energy and shot it at Amber, which resulted in her using the sword to bounce the orb back to Lloyd, pushing him back. Jay groaned in frustration as he summoned a bolt of lightning.

Control your breathing. Centre yourself.

Jay inhaled and exhaled, and clenched his fists, as the bolt grew bigger. He pointed it at Amber, who didn't see it coming, as it electrocuted her, enough to weaken her. He exchanged a glance with Nya, who nodded and summoned water, connecting it with Jay's lightning, creating a burst of hydroelectric energy. Using it, they aimed it at the sword, knocking it out of reach and snapping the blade.

Growling, Amber stood up, before yelling at the top of her lungs, "I wish for a stronger sword!" Pixal looked up. Nadakhan must have been on the floor right above, as Amber now had a much deadlier sword in her hand. Waving it around, she let out a battle cry, as she ran forward, striking it.

It stabbed Jay in his stomach.

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