Chapter 24

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3rd Person POV

Cole adjusted Kai's tie as he looked in the mirror. Today was the big day. Excitement and nervousness flowed through him. He was getting married today.

Last week he had a bachelor party, and it involved Morro climbing up a tree and getting stuck there, until he fell out the next morning.

"I can't believe this is happening," he murmured, "It's the best day of my life."

The Master of Earth grinned, "I'm proud of you, bro. Also...I'm planning on proposing soon, and I do I do it without needing the urge to run off?"

"Go for it. The wave of relief will wash over after you ask, trust me. Don't just ask straight away, build up to it. Bring back some memories of the two of you together, the happy ones."

Nodding, Cole hugged Kai tightly.

From the other room, Skylor was grinning excitedly. Seliel gripped her shoulders, "Stop moving so much! I can't do your hair properly!"

Nodding, she settled down, "It's finally happening! I'm actually doing it!"

"Yes you are, and I will be reciting every embarrassing moment of your Kailor romance in my toast." Skylor raised an eyebrow as she applied some mascara, "What's Kailor?"

"A ship name that Nya and I made up for you and Kai. We printed it on the invitations too."

"Speaking of which, where is Nya? And Pixal too?"

"I sent Nya off to get ready, she was still piping the cupcakes, and Pixal's adding a few finishing touches to the hall." Setting the brush down, Seliel bent down and wrapped her arms around Skylor's neck, nuzzling her chin in the crook of her shoulder, "Just think, in a few hours you'll be Mrs Smith."

Skylor laughed, "We're actually going with Chen-Smith, but still, close enough." She tweaked the veil that Seliel was now layering on, "You would not believe how long it took to talk Kai out of getting bright red dresses and napkins!"

Seliel snorted and looked down at her bridesmaid's dress, "I honestly don't think that red would be a good colour on me. Nah, I'll stick with purple, thank you very much!"

Next door, Nya looked at the maid-of-honour gown which was laid out across the bed. Skylor had asked her to walk down the aisle with her, and Nya had happily agreed. Lloyd glanced over at it, "It's pretty."

He was wearing a simple suit with a green tie. Nya smiled, "Need help with your tie?"

"Yes please." he admitted sheepishly. Nya fastened it for him, and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, ""


"Listen, I know you're with Jay, and...I'm okay with that."

Nya blinked, "You are?"

He nodded, "You are my best friend, and I want you to be happy. Come here." He held his arms out, and Nya hugged him tightly, "Love you."

Lloyd rested his head atop of hers, "Love you too."

Downstairs, Pixal tilted her head, "A little more to the right."

Groaning, Ronin leaned over, clutching the banner of Kai and Skylor in his hand. "Can we speed this up? My arm is killing me!" On the other side, Dareth was breathing heavily, "Oh my, I wasn't built for this!"

"Nope, wait, a tad bit to the left."

"What is it with you nindroids and precision?!" Ronin yelped, nearly toppling off the ladder. Pixal bit her lip in concentration, "Dareth, move it up just a little...okay perfect!" Pinning the banner on, Dareth sighed in relief as he climbed back down, "I feel accomplished."

"I'm never helping you set up a wedding again!" Ronin whined, wafting his arm around. Zane intertwined his hand with Pixal's, "How's wedding prep?"

"Perfect, is Wu ready?"

"I think so. Chen RSVP'd last minute so we'll get him a seat at the front." Zane stated, "I believe it's time you got ready. Off you go!" he pushed Pixal towards the door.

"B-But the prepping!" she protested. Zane laughed, "I have it under control, now go and get ready!" Pushing her out of the room, he shut the door and turned around to see the banner on the floor. He groaned.

"Dareth, Ronin, we need you!"

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