ch:11 There you are

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Angel pov

   I awake up from the sleep. Sunlight beaming from the window and birds are chirping . How beautiful!!. But my life is messy right now.  Like wave of sea hitting me. I want to clear my every confusion.

    I want to ask Mark. Who is he??

    Is that " blue eyes " is mark or it's just my imagination. Why is he trying to hurt me?.If he want to hurt me then why did he tell me to leave??

    I want to ask all this question to him. But whenever I am in front of him , my mind stop working. That time I really can't stop myself thinking about his closeness to me. Like his closeness effect me so much.

    The way he look at me and his eyes which are cold and emotionless but still can see something in them. I don't know what that emotions are??

   I looked at my  right hand wrist . I had bandage at home. It's not that deep cut but still little hurt so I bandage it. With small sigh I start  getting for  ready for school.

   I make my  way to school . When I infront of gate I show Alex and his friends.
   " Hii..guys" I say while waving at them.  suddenly Alex  expression changed . O shit! I have a bandage in my right hand . I have to make good excuse or I am going into deep shit .

I make my way near them . Alex is staring at my wrist .  I try to fake smile. And try to hide my hand behide my skirt . I think Alex notice it . He raised his one eyebrow at me .

  He pointed at my wrist and asked " what happened to your wrist ?" with seriousness in his voice .  O!  no . Think angel , think . I bite my lips . Moving my graze here and there to find an answer .

After some second finally " ohh ! This " I show my bandage " ummm .. a ..a yeah ! I got cut with knife while making dinner at night .. a accidentally .. yeah . That's right .. I got cut " yes.. I got cut with my braclet

    I have to talk with Mark.

   Alex pov

   With that hesitate voice angel  can't convince me. I know she will not tell I have to find out myself. Firstly I have to keep a eye on Mark. I tell all of my friends to look  after mark every where if it's possible.

   We make our way to our class. I have my first class with angel and Mark.

   We are walking to the corridor to our class . I looked for mark but he is not anywhere.

    We enter in our as usual take the same place . Angel and I start talking about random stuff and chit chat . Not after long time the bell rang . Mark is Haven't come to class yet. Teacher enter  in class  .

  " Good mor- " teacher just  start greeting the student but cut off by door opening roughly.

  " May I come in sir "  . There is  Mark standing .
        But he is looking somewhere else I follow his gaze.

   Angel pov

   I thought he would not come to class as it class already started but he come.  But why I am feel relieved to see him??. .. yeah bcz I want to talk to him about yesterday nothing else.
What that this feeling in my stomach . I felt nervous suddenly   .

He was wearing as usual his black shirt with black ripped jeans . He folded his sleeves up to elbow . He wear his watch .  He also wear  his earrings . His hair done nicely . Some hairs are hanging at one side on his forehead just touching the eyebrow . I must say he was looking too handsome and hot at same time. what I am thinking . Angel control your thoughts . You hate  him right ? Do I really hate him . He was messing with my thoughts .

When I come  out from my thoughts I realized that I am staring at him for Soo long . When I actually realize that he was looking at me too. He make is way towards the last seat . His eyes caught the bandage on my hands and then he looked at me . I saw nothing  in his cold. He take a seat behind me .

    ' He doesn't have any reaction on his face while looking at my bandage . If he is that boy in alley ..then he should be react something but he has his cold face like always . I am thinking right . He is that boy in alley or I am just mistook . If I ask him ..what if he denied or if he said yes!!. What will I do ??. Should I ask him why he is doing this?. Or ......

   So many questions which only making me a headache. I looked at the teacher . He has started teaching but my mind is still spinning around "mark" and that "alley boy ".

    Bell rang . I am just wait for lunch. I have to talk with and make everything clear.
   I looked back  to look at mark .
   I turn  around and there he is looking at me. I look at him in his eyes. His eyes always held me capacitive. His beautiful blue eyes yet dangerous like beautiful  ocean still dangerous with unknown mystery under the deep of depth .

I didn't avert my eyes from him . And he too. I subconsciously touch my bandage .  Did u  done this .. MARK ? I thought in my mind . While looking at him . Why ?.. why u did this . Why are u doing this to me . I hope I can this question to him .

I realized his eyes averted some where in lower . I saw him looking at my bandage .For  Sometimes his cold eyes are changed in other emotions . I don't know . What he thinking ? I hope I can able know about it .

But why I am want to know about his thinking about me . Why I  am curious about to know about him . Why he is always make me feel different . Why is able to make my feeling  Soo confused .
Why I can't stop thinking about him whenever he is in front of me I lost myself in his beautiful yet dangerous blue eyes .

Suddenly some one shook my shoulder " angel , what happen . ? "Alex asked me .

" No .. nothing . Why ? " I said .
" Angel are you okay ,  u seems zone out lot today . Is something happen ?" Alex asked with confused  and carious ness in his voice .

" Really Alex nothing happens . And thanks for asking . I am fine . " I smile at him .

At first he seems dissatisfied with my answer but nodded .

Lunch time :

It's already lunch time but I don't have appetite to eat anything . This is perfect time to talk with Mark . I hope he will answer me as I expected . I decided to find him . Put he was not is in class . I decided to go find in ground . After some time I reached at ground . I try to see him in ground and nearby area but he was not here . It almost 15 minutes pass by looking him . And I am tried now . I don't think he want to even near by me .

I was so furusted I want to calm down myself . I was feeling like crying . Everything is messed up . My life ,my feeling , and now my school life too. I decided to go ,to my favorite place . I started to walk towards the rooftop of my school building . It was one and only most calmest and  beautiful place  without anyone and without any noises .

I walk on stairs to reached at rooftop . I open the door of rooftop . A slow wind  touch  my face. My hair are slightly waving with air . I close my eyes and feel it it feel so beautiful and calm like I become air and flowing in clouds.

       I slowly moved ahead . Something caught my eyes. A figure sitting on edge of wall .

     There  you are!!

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