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The day started out with the members getting up and eating breakfast. It was their day off so they just decided to stay at the dorm and relax.
jin: "finally we don't have a schedule"
namjoon: "I know I'm exhausted"
jungkook: " me too"
jimin: " what should we do today ?"
jhope: " we should watch a movie"
suga: " I'm down to watch a movie"
jin: " guys where is taehyung ? He needs to eat breakfast"
jungkook: " he is sleeping"
suga: " still ?"
jin: " okay well I'm going to go wake him up"

Jin went to taehyung room to wake him up.
Jin: " wake up taehyungie" jin shook the younger
taehyung: "mmmmmh"
jin: " taehyung baby wake up. you need to eat breakfast and the members decided to watch a movie so come on wake up so we can join them." jin shook taehyung harder this time until taehyung finally woke up
taehyung: "what hyung ?"
jin: "come on get ready and go downstairs. I'll be waiting for you."
taehyung got up from his bed and got ready then went downstairs.
jin: " taehyung here eat"
taehyung went to the kitchen to eat the breakfast jin made and then sat down on the couch between jimin and jungkook.

namjoon: " okay what movie should we do watch?"
jhope: " lets watch parasite."
jimin: " yeah I've been wanting to see that movie"
suga: " me too let's watch it"
namjoon: "okay" namjoon presses play on the movie
During the movie taehyung feels his head starts to hurt and he feel nauseous so he lays his head in on jungkook legs and he feels like he's about to puke. The members get surprised when taehyung gets off the couch and runs to the bathroom. Jin follows him along with the rest of the members. They see taehyung puking up his breakfast.
jin: "it's okay let it out. jimin go get me a cup of water and a wet towel . Suga go make chicken noodle soup. Jungkook get taehyung's pillow and blanket from his room and put it on the couch. namjoon go get a bucket and put it beside the couch. J-Hope go get me the thermometer."
the rest of the members: " okay hyung"

Jin rubs circles on taehyung back and holds his hair so he won't get puke on it. When taehyung finishes puking jin takes taehyung a shower.
taehyung: " hyung I feel s-sick." Taehyung starts to sob and Jin comforts him.
jin: "baby I know let's go lay you down on the couch and check if you have a fever because it seems like you do." Jin carries taehyung to the couch and lays him down.
jin: "jhope give me the thermometer please"
jhope hands him the thermometer and Jin takes taehyung's temperature. The thermometer reads 101.12 and Jin sighs.
jin: " yep taehyung has a fever"
suga: " what's his temperature ?"
jin: "101.12"
jungkook: " that's high hyung"
jin: " I know but let's not freak out and let's just focus on getting his temperature down. Suga where's the chicken noodle soup I told you to make ?"

suga comes back with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and sets it on the table. Jin tries to feed taehyung the soup but taehyung refuses to eat the soup.
jin: "taehyung you have to eat the soup so you can have something in your stomach since you puked out the breakfast you ate this morning."
taehyung: " but h-hyung I don't w-want to. I want to go to s-sleep. I'm t-tired."
suga: " do it for me tae and after you eat the soup we will give you medicine and then you can sleep."

Taehyung agrees and finishes all the soup. After he finishes the soup, jungkook gives him medicine and covers taehyung with the blanket he brought. Namjoon sets the trash can beside taehyung in case he feels like puking again. Jin puts the wet towel on taehyung forehead hoping that his fever will go down. Taehyung falls asleep quickly after.

jungkook: " it's weird that taehyung is sick he is the one with the strongest immune system."
jin: " I know but the good thing is that he is sick the day we don't have a schedule."
jimin: " yeah that's the only good thing about this."
suga: " should we continue watching the movie?"
jhope: yeah, namjoon press play."

They continue watching the movie but an hour later they noticed taehyung shifting on the couch. Taehyung then sits up on the couch and groans and begins to sob quietly. The members all go to him. Jin holds the wet towel on taehyung head so it won't fall.
jimin: " taehyung what happened baby ?"
taehyung: " I f-feel sic-ck." taehyung chokes out.
jungkook: " do you feel like your going to puke again?"
taehyung nods his head and jungkook puts the bucket in front of taehyung. He puts his head over the bucket.
jhope: " it's okay taehyung let it out"
suga: " you'll feel better afterwards."
jin: " come on baby get it up. Don't hold it in because your just going to feel worse."
jungkook: "do you want me to help you?"
Taehyung nods and that's when he feels jungkook's hand press on his stomach causing him to puke. Taehyung cries.
jin" shhhh"

When taehyung is done puking namjoon takes his temperature.
jin: " what's his temperature?"
namjoon: " 100.04"
jimin: " it went down"
jungkook: " that's good"
jhope: " lets let him sleep more and hopefully he'll be better by tomorrow."
jin: "okay but let's put him on his bed."
The next morning taehyung woke up still sick but they had to go to a photoshoot that they couldn't miss.
jimin: " he's still sick hyung"
jin: " aishh why isn't he getting better"
jungkook: "we have a photoshoot today that we can't miss"
namjoon: "jungkook is right"

The members got taehyung and themselves dressed. They started driving to the photoshoot set. When they got there jungkook laid taehyung down on the couch because taehyung was still sleeping. They all started to do their individual photos. Jungkook went first and when he was finished he changed taehyung into his outfit.

taehyung: " what a-are you doing j-junkookie?"
jungkook: " changing you into your outfit"
taehyung: " outf-it?"
jungkook: "remember we have a photoshoot today"
taehyung: "mmmh I don't w-want to kookiee"
jungkook: " I know but you have to I'm sorry"
taehyung: " but my head h-hurts and I don't feel g-good"
The photographer called taehyung because it was his turn.
jungkook: "come on taehyung hyung it's your turn"
jungkook helped taehyung walk over to the photographer. The photographer saw that taehyung was pale.
photographer: " is he alright ?"
jungkook: "yeah he just doesn't feel good but he can manage to take a few photos"
photographer: " oh okay"

The photographer took taehyung photos and called the other members to do a group photo.
The members saw that taehyung looked green and pale.
namjoon: "are you okay taehyungie?"
taehyung just nodded but he felt like he was going to puke any second now.
suga: " you look a little green. are you sure your okay?"
jimin: " he's okay we just need one last photo and then we can go home and give him medicine"
jhope: " taehyungie just hang in there"

The photographer was about to take their photo when taehyung suddenly pukes.Jin holds taehyung so he won't fall onto his own puke. The puddle grows rapidly as taehyung pukes the leftover soup and medicine.
jin: " it's okay. you're alright."

taehyung didn't stop puking and the members were looking at each other worried. When the members were about to call sejin taehyung stopped puking. Taehyung fell onto the floor and stayed their feeling exhausted and dizzy from the puking. He closed his eyes.
jhope: " here taehyung drink some water or else you'll get dehydrated" Taehyung didn't respond.
jin: " taehyungie drink some water." He still didn't respond.
jungkook: " hyung?"
jin: "taehyung!"
The members tried to wake up taehyung but he didn't and that's when jin touched taehyung's forehead and he felt taehyung burning.
jin: " he's burning and it seems like he fainted." Call an ambulance now!"

Skip to the hospital ......
Doctor: "okay so I've done tests and the tests tell me that the reason taehyung wasn't waking up was because of his fever and dizziness. We have given him some fluids because he is dehydrated from the puking. We will prescribe medicine for him that he will have to take every 6 hours. Once he wakes which may take a few hours you may leave."
jin: "okay thank you doctor"
All of them went to sit near the hospital bed taehyung is currently laying on.
jimin: "awww he looks so peaceful."
jungkook: "when will he wake up."
jin: "the doctor said it will take a few hours until he wakes up."
suga: " why are they giving him fluids?"
jin: " the doctor said taehyung is dehydrated from all the puking he did earlier."
suga: " oh okay"

Taehyung woke up a few hours later and the members went to their dorm. Taehyung told the members he was still tired so they gave him his medicine and let him sleep. They didn't try to give him food because they figured he didn't want to eat. After 3 days he was feeling better.

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