Chapter 9

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Alpha Atria

That elder i spoke is an angel. And my demon really hates angels.

If that elder try anything to me I'll make sure my demon will be the one lashing him out.

'Why are the werewolf councils here?' Serena asks

'Maybe they are planning on bringing us down' Beatrice hissed at the thought

'Well if they think of bringing us down they're signing for their death.' I said

Im immortal because of me being a half goddess.

I quickly took a shower to relax my tense shoulders.

Theres a knock at my door and I mutter a gruff 'come in'. A omega opened my door poking her head looking very terrified. Poor girl.

"A..alpha i..i...its t..ime for d..d..inner." She informed me stuttering.

I nod my head not saying a word and she practically run after closing the door.

Getting off my bed i choose my outfit which is a black dress that reach above my knees, with sleeveless and v neck. Paired with red heels.

Checking myself at the big mirror i look sexy yet beautifuly dangerous and intimidating.

Walking through the halls I already made it to the dining hall.

I am late five minutes but I don't care. There seated in a long table alpha Dean his fake mate the elders my pack and his pack.

When he sees me his jaw practically hit the floor. Everyone turn around at the sounds of my heels clicking through the tiles floor.

At the end of the table, there sat the leader of the council Amos. At the other end no one seats so i decided to seat there since I don't care if they are a werewolf councils.

Sitting at the other end of the table means questioning and challenging the other person that opposite at the other end of the table.

They are all shocked seeing im challenging the leader of the werewolf councils.

"Shall we eat?" I asks them and they snap out of their shock.

"Of course" Amos said with a small smile, he motions to the omegas and they bring the food one by one.

We have different foods and mine is a steak with beans, lettuce and mushed potatoes.

I smell the steak and it has wolfsbane. I can smell poison. And it also has in my wine.

They think they can kill me with poisons, wolfsbane and metal. Yes, im werewolf but that all doesn't affect me. As for poisons it just makes me stronger.

I look around trying to find who's idea is this and it was the councils. The Black Rose pack also knows. I look at my packs foods and smell it if it also has poison, luckily it's just mine.

I eat the food but i see them looking at me. Then i ate it. The bitch is smirking at me (Keisha). I pretend to cough and drink the water which has poison.

The wolfsbane just feels like cold but it doesn't hurt, it even feels nice.

Acting like I can't breathe my pack are looking at me worried i told them in the mindlink on what they put to my food and keep the act.

"Alpha are you okay?" Adan my beta asks

I didn't answer as i saw that they have been captured.

I stoped my heartbeat and breathing. Amos laugh and declared that im dead just like that.

"Stupid little girl thinks she's almighty and powerful ended up dead for trusting her enemies." He laughed and others too.

My pack are standing there face void of any emotions. They know that im just acting.

They continued cheering then I decided that's its my turn to surprise them.

I laughed, a dark scary and murderious laugh. They all look at me shocked and terrified.

There face are priceless.

"You think I don't know the poison in my wine and the wolfsbane in my steak? You really want to kill me Amos don't you?" I said with venom in my voice.

"How a..are you still alive?" He said trying to sound brave but the shakiness in his voice can't be hide.

I ignored his questions. "I should have killed that mate of yours when she didn't do what i said..... Oh, i forgot I already killed her." I said while smirking.

" k..k...killed my m..mate?"He asks as tears gathered in his eyes.

"I remember when she is pleading me to spare her" i laugh

"You murderer, im going to kill you" he screamed while tears rolling down in his eyes.
The other council members hold him down.

I grin as the angel run to me and punch me in the stomach making me fly to the field. I let him punch me.

Standing up he released his white wings with his sword appeared in his hands.

They are all watching us and they gasps when they saw he is an angel.

I laughed and they look at me.

"Im going to tear that little wings of yours"i said grinning

"Im going to let them all see what kind of monster you are" he hissed

"Aren't you a demon?" He asks tilting his head to the side. The crowed gasps.

"Aren't you a fallen angel?" I said mocking him

"What did you do to get kicked out on the lands of angel Andreas" i said acting like thingking (a/n: sorry 😐 I don't have ideas of what to call that but lets just stick to this one😅)

"Ahh,... you killed your own kind" the crowed gasps again and murmur.

"Shut up" he yelled and launched at me

I grab his wings and let my demon take control. I didn't remember what she do to that angel but i saw his white wings in pieces and blood on the ground with his head unattached to his body. And his organs on the ground.

And me blood in my clothes faces and hands. I look like i just have a rampage and teared a person limb by limb.

I look around some puking their guts out and others all backed away staring at me wide eyed, shaking and very terrified.

I just smirk and walk back seeing alpha Dean that look like pissing himself standing there.

The werewolf councils also have the same reaction. "Cross the line again and I'll kill every one by myself and burn you all" i said and when i said burn, the body of Andreas burned until it was ashes.

They nod quickly and i turned heading to my room to take a shower.

Long chapter with 1090 words.
Hope you like it and enjoyed.
Updates tomorrow!!

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