(10) need

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Bonus Chapter- Crimson Hands from Sam's point of view

Bonus Chapter- Crimson Hands from Sam's point of view

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              Paul, Jared and I are walking up to the house, finally home after days away. Jared was currently laughing and filling Paul in on what he "caught" Allie and I doing the other day.

Suddenly, I hear a loud screech, and my arms are full of the girl I've missed more than words can say. She's wrapped herself around me fully, squeezing me as hard as she can as she buries her head in my shoulder, sighing happily.

I can't contain the happy laugh that bubbles out of me.

Maybe she missed me just as much as I missed her. I think to myself, knowing that every day away from her was hell.

I set her down gently, laughing again as she turns and banters with Jared, giving Paul a hug just to make him jealous. I tuned out most of their conversation, just appreciating the fact that I was finally home, when Paul's loud voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"-And now suddenly you 'care about me?' Bullshit." Paul yells, and immediately I'm concerned at the fact that he's already showing signs of phasing.

"Paul..." I warn, trying to take his attention off Allie.

I see him start to shake even harder, and know that now there's no stopping it.

"Allison, back up. NOW." I command, and it falls on deaf ears. She's frozen, from fear or shock, and every single cell in me is screaming at her to run, back away, do anything.

I started moving toward Paul, when I saw two things happen at exactly the same time.

1. Allie comes out of her shock and starts toward the house.
2. Paul phases and looks PISSED.

Before I could do anything except scream at her to run, Paul had lunged and ripped through the side of her leg, the coppery scent hitting me almost immediately.

I see her fall towards the ground and scream, and I feel my heart drop out of my chest. My eyes moved from her torn leg to her face, and seeing her look of pain almost brings me to my knees. I feel something inside of me snap, and it's like my whole world shifts.

All I can see is her, and all I can feel is a primal need to protect her, a need to make sure she never had that look of pain again. I feel my soul call to her, a pull from deep inside of me to be near her, help her, to make the pain go away. All of this realization hit me in a couple seconds, but to me it felt like years.

Paul's ferocious growls knocked me out of my thoughts, and all I could see was red. The burning rage I feel seeing Allie injured takes over, and I welcome the shift. I roar in anger at seeing her blood spilling onto the sidewalk. All I can think, all I can concentrate on, is my need to spill his. I snarl and stalk towards Paul like the predator he now knows I am. He growls right back at me, still out for blood, and I lunged, pulling him to the ground.

I could've used my alpha command to essentially have him lay down and be quiet, but all I want to do is make him feel pain after hurting my Allie. I snapped at Paul, lunging for his throat, which he quickly dodged. I felt us roll, and knock down trees, and I couldn't care who heard me.

He hurt my Allie.

Paul dodged another one of my lunges, and fell back, quickly getting up and going on the defensive.


I looked in his eyes and no longer saw his rage.

I really didn't mean to hurt her.  If you want to kill me, for what I did, I'll let you. Just get back to her first, make sure she's okay. Because she needs you man. I'm so sorry I did this. I really had no control.

I stared him in his eyes as he said this to me, and saw only genuine truth, guilt, and remorse in his gaze.

Allie. Allie. Allie. My brain chanted over and over as I ran as fast I could to the tree line, phasing and throwing on my shorts before running to the house.

As soon as I got to where she was originally, I felt the acid churn in my stomach.

Too much blood.

I followed the large drops that made a trail all the way up into the house, and when I threw open the screen door I saw something that made me fall back, taking my breath away. My beautiful sweet Allie, my best friend, whom after she got hurt my heart swore to protect, was laying sprawled on her back, eyes closed, in a pool of her own blood.

I looked at Jared, who was holding her leg, tears streaming down his face.

No. No no no no no this can't be happpening. She's not- she can't be- there's no way- no.

"Is she dead? Jared IS SHE DEAD?" I scream, pulling my hair, tears running shamelessly down my cheeks.

"No, just unconscious. I'm waiting for the ambulance to get here." He said monotonously.

Feeling the need to check for myself, I ran up the stairs and grabbed her side, wanting to pull her as close to me as possible. To feel her warmth, to hear her laugh, to see her ALIVE.

Before I could, Jared screamed "DON'T MOVE HER!"

I froze, staring at him.

I saw him take a deep breath before looking back at me, explaining that if he moved his hands, she could die. My soul shattered hearing the possibility.

Instead of screaming and killing someone like I wanted to, I settled for sitting down next to her, holding her hand in mine.

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