{16} Awaken

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Allie's POV

I awoke with a start, my head pounding. I looked around frantically, not knowing where I was and terrified of what was going to happen to me.

I noticed a familiar face across the room, laying on the ground in a pile of broken glass, covered in blood.

"Bella!" I whisper shouted, terrified that she was dead.

"Look who finally decided to join the party! I was worried you'd miss all the fun!" I heard a voice exclaim from behind me.

I whipped my head around and I felt my brain start to cloud with fear. I tried as hard as I could to clear my head so I could keep my voice steady. I would not give him the satisfaction of hearing me afraid of him.

"You're a vampire." I stated as calmly as I could, staring into his blood red eyes.

He gasped excitedly. "You're a quick one! I should have known, you being a werewolf alpha's mate and all."

"Why am I here?" I demanded, not knowing what this evil creature could possibly be keeping me alive for.

"You, my dear, were what I needed to lure poor Bella here out of hiding. Sure, she didn't know you very well, but her best friend's close friend? A sweet, innocent girl? I knew there was no way she would let you die for her. And she did exactly what I thought she would, coming to your rescue. Very brave, very stupid." He tutted, walking over and nudging her unconscious form with his foot.

"Also, it would piss off your precious wolf pack, which is a plus. You know, it's dangerous to leave your doors unlocked. You never know what monsters are lurking just outside your door.."

I see Bella twitch slightly, and then moan out in pain. I stood up and dashed over to her, surprised that the vampire let me.

"Bella, I'm right here honey. I'm right here. Tell me, where does it hurt?"

"My- I think my legs broken." I nodded weakly, trying and failing to hide how concerned I was.

"You, Bella, are going to be just fine, okay? I'm sure help is on the way, and I will do everything in my power to get you out of here."

I hear a beep and whip my head around, forgetting for a moment while checking Bella's injuries that there was a sadistic vampire right behind me.

I scoffed as he pointed a video recorder at us.

"You're sick." I spat, venom dripping in my voice.

He almost looked surprised at my boldness.

"Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea." He grinned, like he was proud of it.

I felt my stomach churn in disgust.

"Now Bella, she's very.. visually dynamic. But you? I think you are nowhere near bloody enough for my little film sweetheart. After all, I don't just want Edward. I would love it if your darling Sam, would join in. It would make a hell of an entertaining fight."

I tensed as he mentioned Sam, and backed away from Bella, hoping that in me distracting him, he would stay away from her, because I wasn't sure she could take another blow.

I gasped as he sped right in front of me, his ice cold hand reaching out to stroke my cheek. "So pretty. It's a shame I have to kill you, you would make a beautiful immortal."

He licked his lips as he stared at me like the worst kind of predator, before I felt something cold collide with my cheek and throw me across the room.

I flew so fast I couldn't decipher what was happening, and then I was colliding with a cement rebar. I felt my head hit the cement hard, and I saw black spots dancing across my vision.

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