{12} Cold Ones

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Allie's POV:

Four extremely long days later, I was sitting in my hospital bed, signing the discharge papers as Dr. Wood went over my at-home care.

"You'll need to change your bandages once a day. If your stitches get really red or really painful, or you notice any discharge coming from them, you come back, okay? These are dissolvable stitches, so no swimming, taking baths, or taking long showers. Your stitches should be dissolved completely in 6-8 weeks, and you'll have a follow up with me in that time to make sure you're healing correctly. For the next two weeks, I want you to take it easy, and try to stay laying down or sitting as much as possible so you don't strain your stitches. Do you understand all of these directions?"

I fight the urge to roll my eyes and remind him that I work in this hospital and have gone over all of this before, but instead I just reply with "Yup!"

Dr. Wood laughs at my eagerness, and shakes his head as he signs the discharge papers.

"Alright, you're free to go. Your boyfriend is waiting outside the door for you, I'll send him in so he can help you out."

I go to open my mouth to correct him, to tell him that Sam is in fact not my boyfriend, but decided there wasn't really a point, and just nodded instead.

He leaves, and Sam walks in a few moments later, bringing in with him the bane of my existence.

I groan, and he grins in turn.

"C'mon Allie, it's a wheelchair. It's not that bad."

I huff, and roll my eyes, finding it ridiculous that I have to sit in that stupid thing.

He walks over, helping me stand, and I slowly hobble my way over to sit in it. I sigh, irritated, but it wasn't heartfelt as I was also grinning from ear to ear, excited to finally leave this place.

After a quick trip to the pharmacy and Sam fussing over me the whole way, we finally arrive home. I grinned, wiggling in my seat like a child, more than ready to finally be here.

Sam shakes his head at my childish antics, and pulls the door open. I went to step out, but groaned as I twisted the wrong way, pulling at my stitches.

Sam frowned.

I looked at him, knowing with the way he's been acting with me lately that he was probably going to make me live in his truck now so I wouldn't have to move.

He tells me to stay put, and grabs my bags before taking them up to the house and walking inside. I huff, knowing he's completely overreacting, but inside I know it's just because he cares.

A few moments later, I see him walking back towards me. I go to chew him out and tell him I'm perfectly fine when he suddenly picks me up bridal style, being careful of my thigh all the while, and carries me to the house. I smile, knowing he's just caring for me in his own weird way.

"I have a surprise for you." He whispers as he opens the screen door.

I look at him, confused, before following his gaze as he opens the door.

I almost scream at what I see.

"Oh my god! Sam put me down! Put me down!" I squeal, and he laughs, shaking his head. "If I put you down, you're going to run over to both of them and rip your stitches trying to hug them."

I groan, rolling my eyes.

"Well then set me on the couch so they can come to me!" I practically yell, and he scoffs playfully, before doing as I asked and setting me down on the couch.

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