{00.} New Moon

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Three Months Later

Three months have passed since the supernatural kidnapping of Bella Swan and Allie Tsosie, and things have been going relatively well for both of them. While the former has been worried about time, and an upcoming birthday, the latter has been building relationships and going back to work.

She has her imprint, and lover, Sam Uley. They have been together for months, but it feels more like they've been together their entire lives. They fight and argue about little things, specifically Allie's job at the hospital. "Too many damn vampires." Sam says, but still; they love each other unconditionally. Sam often sneaks home during patrol to check on his imprint, and to give her sweet kisses before continuing his long, grueling shifts of keeping the reservation, and the tribe, safe from supernatural harm.

Allie has her two best friends and roommates, Jared and Paul. Jared loves to pull pranks on her and it drives her up borderline insane, but somehow her anger always caves when he gives her his infamous 'puppy-dog eyes' and she ends up making him food, because he eats all the time. He's constantly teasing her about Sam, but will always keep her company and cheer her up when she's sad. He is very much the "twin" brother she never had.

Alison's relationship with Paul is different from her relationship with anyone else. Paul can be a hothead, and sometimes Allie can annoy him to no end, but after that horrible accident the day he came home, he has tried his hardest to never so much as twitch in front of her. Seeing her hurt is something he never wants to see again. Allie goes to Paul when her and Sam are fighting, and in turn, Paul goes to Allie when Jared is driving him up a wall. They have a very simple friendship, sometimes it can be as simple as taking a nap together on the couch or drinking a beer in silence on the deck overlooking the pond. They've come to realize that they can always count on one another, and they find solace in that.

Allie also has found the joy of friendship in two male members of the Cullen clan, specifically Jasper Whitlock-Hale and Carlisle Cullen. Allie and Jasper became an unlikely pair of friends after he rescued and protected her when she was kidnapped by the sadistic vampire, James. Jasper himself was moved by the undying love and devotion radiating off of her alpha mate, and was also pleasantly surprised that her blood didn't cause the usual burn in the back of his throat that any other blood surely would.

It was for that reason alone that the honey-haired vampire decided to try to get to know this human girl, and he was pleased that he had. She had become his home away from home, and he found himself regularly visiting her while she worked at the hospital, bringing her the disgusting human food she loved so much during her lunch and sitting with her while she ate it, talking and laughing.

Occasionally, Carlisle would join them, what with Carlisle and Alison becoming fast friends and colleagues.

Carlisle was intrigued to meet the girl he had heard so much about, the one that not only was mated to an alpha werewolf, but that also had his recluse elder son coming into town, bringing back a spark in his eye and a pep in his step that Carlisle had never seen in him before. He was originally planning on having Bella set up a meeting between the two, but there was no need as she started working at the local hospital soon after the incident.

He quickly introduced himself, even though he was aware that she knew who, or at least what he was, with his uncommonly pale skin and golden eyes, but did so anyway out of curtesy. They found a likeness in each other, with their similar careers and academic curiosity of the supernatural. They frequently had long in-depth conversations about chromosomes and various ways to somehow penetrate vampire skin for testing said chromosomes, which left Allie smelling strongly of vampire for hours afterward that sent her boys at home reeling away in disgust.

Nonetheless, she continued to be the middle ground between the two precariously peaceful supernatural species, hoping that one day, they could possibly get along with each other as well as they got along with her.

A teaser for the upcoming New Moon book!

Thanks so much for reading, and I'm excited to see you all in the next one!

(To my re-readers, I've decided to split the books up based into the four phases it's originally split into, so there will be 4 books in total.)

Looking Out for You- which focuses on Twilight,
???- which focuses on New Moon,
????- which focuses on Eclipse,
?????- which focuses on Breaking Dawn 1 & 2

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