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"Mic Check 1, 2, 3. Can you hear me?" Yuri put out an ear to the crowd playfully, pretending to rehearse with her fans. It was her thing, trying out different skits with fans to keep them on their toes and interested. They answered back with a cheer every time as she continued to develop her little skits. This time, the fans were playing the producers, judges and her, a trainee at an audition.

She bent forward slightly, "Hello, I'm here to audition for your hearts!" Her attempt at acting cute with her silly but lovely lines was received with great cheer and the crowd riveted in excitement. But after delivering a cute gesture, she immediately sank to her knees in embarrassment when they called her cute. The audience loved it, her embarrassment and it all but it took her quite the willpower to do such a cringe-worthy act. The only thing that always kept her going with these acts was that she was doing it for her fans, the people that loved her. And she didn't want to disappoint them.

Shortly after, when her skit followed by her performance had ended (just as other people's) she ambled to the reserved seating area for the Award Show nominees. She had one performance in the opening for the day and one before the Daesang award to be presented on Day 1.

At the seating area, she observed her lonely seat one step ahead of the Seventeen and Red Velvet members and walked over slightly, taking her place. She sighed, only another 3 hours to go for this dreadingly alone journey to end.

"That's a huge sigh." Yuri perked up, seeing S.Coups, the leader of Seventeen speak to her with a smile. His eye on her but careful as to not get caught on camera, he had angled himself as if he'd been facing his fans instead, waving, all the while talking to her. He had a beautiful smile, she observed.

A little taken aback, not knowing how to respond in a sudden situation, Yuri answered, "It's nothing, sunbaenim."

Seungcheol looked down, nodding, "You're missing your members, aren't you?" He whispered slightly with a knowing look on his face. He had turned away, facing the stage again, his professional attitude leaving her dumbfounded just as his deduction.

"How'd you know?" She asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, looking at his turned back.

He signalled her to look at the stage with his chin, laughing softly, taking her by surprise, "Yah, I've been a leader for five years. You think I won't recognise that look by now?" He raised his eyes and clapped along with the show, leaving Yuri to watch in amazement.

She looked away, coming back to her senses. She was an idol after all, "You're right about that." Realising something, she turned back to him, "But why are you lowering honorifics already?"

It got his attention and he turned to look at her, licking his lips slightly for a split second. It was a simple moment but Yuri's heart skipped a beat at his well-timed movement. It was their little secret, in public and under the surveillance of many fans, "Just cause." Seungcheol shrugged playfully in a way that made him look very attractive. Did he mean to get close to her? Is that why he'd dropped honorifics? Yuri smiled at the thought of it. For a leader, he was very mischievous.



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Seventeen's stage was electrifying to watch. They seemed to dance with such ease and made it all look so fun that it impressed Yuri quite a lot. They'd even performed MyMy and watching them perform it made her feel grateful that her arrangement had been received so warmly.

Somehow though, she couldn't help but steal glances at the leader. He wasn't dancing at the centre yet her eyes kept travelling to his relaxed movements. Yuri noticed how once in a while, he would look at another member to check if everything was alright and still manage to perform his parts amicably. His voice was deep when he rapped and it made her shiver at first but as he continued, it only made her watch in awe. That was the performance of a five-year idol group and it was seriously, no joke. There was a lot to learn and the immense practice it had taken Seventeen to become the group that they were, was dawning onto Yuri. She was grateful to have seen the stage, to have observed their performance from a professional point of view and to have gained motivation to work harder.

As they walked in her direction, stepping off the stage and returning to their seats, she stood up and greeted them with a respectful bow. Certainly, they deserved their fame, they made no mistakes, and they moved with undeniable grace and expensive power.

"What did you think? MyMy that you re-arranged turned out fairly well, don't you think?" Woozi sat next to her with a proud smile on his face. There were beads of sweat on his face and exhaustion from the intense performance but his proud smile covered it all.

Yuri nodded with a forlorn look on her face, "I can see why you compose for Seventeen. The performance makes it worth it." Then looking at Woozi, she smiled, "You were very cool today, Oppa."

Yuri wondered if she could achieve the same level of excellence with her members someday. It would take them a few years and endless practice to find the perfect stage that Seventeen had created because right now, they were only focusing on attracting fans, and finding a level ground as rookies while Seventeen was already a few pedestals higher.

Yuri's thoughts were broken when he felt Woozi's hand ruffle her hair slightly. She looked at him, confused. "You're doing just fine right now, Yuri. Don't stress about things too much and enjoy the music you create. In the end, that's all that matters." Drinking water that was handed to him, Woozi's words motivated Yuri.

Feeling warm and supported, Yuri nodded, deciding to do her best from here on. In the distance, Seungcheol who'd been watching smiled softly. He was intrigued by their mysterious relationship.

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