Chapter 19 - Archer's POV

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"Hey... uh, Sweetheart? Can we talk?" I asked as I shoved my fists into my pocket. My eyes stayed stuck on the ground for a moment before raising to look at Charlotte. Apprehension covered her face as she sucked her bottom lip behind her teeth. I could tell she was as unsure as I was.

"Actually, big guy," Madeline said as she stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Charlotte's shoulders, "you said it best yourself. Charlotte deserves to enjoy the rest of her night. So that chat of yours can happen later." I wanted to argue but the relief that flashed in Charlotte's eyes kept me quiet. I gave her a small nod and returned to the party to grab a drink.

I stood near the back of the room with a few of my teammates, sipping my whiskey and taking in the crowd. The boys around me scoped out different girls on the dancefloor but all I could do was think of Charlotte. Is she really in love with me? That Kayla bitch had clearly been talking out of her ass in the hallway. I didn't like the vibes her or that other girl had given off all night. They were so different than Charlotte, I'd been confused about how they were even friends.

Charlotte was sweet, considerate, soft-spoken—she was the epitome of good. Those girls spent the whole night shrieking for attention and basically sexually harassing James and the rookie. Kayla had probably been lying about Charlotte too, it's the only thing that made sense. Regardless, every nerve in my body stood at attention—on edge until I could finally hear Charlotte's side.

"Hey Johnson, your girl's catching some eyes, man." Tyler called from my side as his elbow jabbed into my rib. A small flutter of satisfaction went through me whenever the guys called Charlotte that. The caveman I hadn't known existed before Charlotte beat his chest in pride at the thought that I had claim over her. It didn't help that she was currently sporting my name and number for everyone to see. But then I realized—if what Kayla had said was true—it was actually a possibility.

    No... don't get your hopes up. I knew Charlotte, she wasn't the manipulative person Kayla described. Besides, if the fight I walked in on said anything about the status of their friendship—Kayla really wasn't reliable.

    Looking out on the crowd I tried to understand what Tyler meant. I caught sight of Madeline first, her height making it easy to see her. She was spinning around the other dancers, laughing and holding hands with Charlotte. A small smile reached my lips as I watched them. Charlotte was clearly nervous. Her bright red face kept getting covered by her hand as she giggled with Madeline. But she was glowing.

    Both girls stood out in the crowd. Everyone else around them was a mess of gyrating, sweaty bodies. It was mostly girls trying to look sexy as they rubbed against guys who swayed stiffly behind them. But the two laughing girls were spinning and twirling to their heart's content.

    My gaze rose to the crowd of people surrounding the dancefloor, and my shoulders immediately tensed. I wasn't the only one enjoying watching the girls. Quite a few guys who stood at the edge of the dancers had their eyes locked on Charlotte and Madeline. I could practically hear the perverted wheels turning in their heads as they stared.

    I knew what most guys thought when they saw Charlotte. Her vulnerable innocence was like a siren call to alpha-males. I understood this because it called to me too—but unlike those guys, I didn't want to take anything from Charlotte. I just had this intense need to protect her.

    I turned back to the girls to find Charlotte looking back at me. A small, unsure smile touched her lips—so unlike the huge one I'd usually get. Before I could stop myself, I moved towards her, never breaking eye contact. A few guys bumped me as I strode through the crowd, but once they saw it was me they moved away without comment.

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