Chapter 42 - Archer's POV

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Author's Note: Thanks for all the encouraging comments! Also, this is the SECOND chapter posted today so make sure you read CH. 41 first! I really think I just needed to get over the last chapter, because the second I did, I was able to plot everything out until the end of this story. I felt so motivated I just started writing right away.


I groaned as I dragged my suitcase up the walkway to the football house. Loud shouts were flying out of the front door that sat partially ajar and I knew the guys were having people over. I was slightly relieved when I stepped inside and saw that it was just the team. The guys must have invited some of the second-stringers and rookies over. I was so exhausted from Whistler I don't think I could have handled a full party today.

"Arch my man!" Tyler called from the couch. The beer cans littered across the coffee table gave me a clear indicator of the state they were all in. "We're planning the grad party, come help!"

I went to the kitchen to grab a beer, acknowledging my teammates as I went. I could tell more than a few of the rookies were half-cut and I figured there was some last-minute hazing going on. The season was over, so once they were initiated at the grad party they'd all be free of the rookie hell. Then they get to join in next year when the fresh meat comes along. It's a sick cycle but hey, the world keeps spinning.

"Hey, Archer!" Emmett called from a couch in the corner, he pushed one of his friends in the face to get him to scooch over and make space. "How was Whistler?" He asked as I dropped into the seat next to him and cracked a beer. It was a little tight so I glared at the rookie on my other side until he got up and moved.

"It was... eventful," I responded unsurely.

"Nice! Did you hit the Black Diamonds? Ohhh did you eat at Araxi? I watched a video about their oysters and Jesus did they look good. I told Charlotte to tell you, did she?"

Damn this kid can talk. I couldn't even keep track of what he had asked. "She mentioned them, yeah but we couldn't get a reservation." I slammed back my beer and relaxed as the cool foam slid down my throat. Emmett continued to chatter on and I nodded occasionally, throwing him a 'hmmm' once in a while. I couldn't put my finger on what it was about him, but he didn't bug me as most people did.

I mean, the kid could go from talking about a cool butterfly he saw to beating up two guys for disrespecting his teammates. There was something so bizarre about him that I had to respect it.

"Holy fuck. How has Johnson not murdered you yet?" Brock a second-string linebacker laughed across the room.

"Oh, you hadn't heard?" Tyler laughed, "Archer's gone soft, boys."

"Fuck off I have not," I grumbled into my beer.

"Love will do that to you," Emmett mused next to me. I shot him a glare for adding fuel to the fire and rolled my eyes when he smiled sheepishly.

"No fucking way!" Brock laughed. "Say it ain't so... Johnson are you really in love?"

I took a moment to finish my beer. I don't know why my ears felt hot at the question. I wasn't used to be at the receiving end of the team's razzing. I guess I was going soft if these fuckfaces thought they could mess with me. When I'd gulped the last drop of beer I lowered the can and nodded my head slowly, grimacing when the guys all made over dramatic cooing sounds.

A rookie who I barely recognized leaned forward on the couch across from me, laughing obnoxiously. He was clearly wasted with his bloodshot eyes and slightly sweaty face.

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