Chapter 25

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A: Be there soon. Just gassing up.

I narrowed my eyes at the phone screen as I tried to interpret the hidden message behind Archer's text. We hadn't spoken last night after our kiss. His family had left and I stayed in my room until I was sure I could control myself. I'd thought he might text or call before bed, but when I'd woken up this morning all I'd gotten was that one text. About gas. Ugh.

From the second our lips touched, my whole world had shifted. It was like for my entire life, I hadn't been taking full breaths. Then suddenly, I was able to actually fill my lungs. It was liberating, and exhilarating, and—well, freaking terrifying all at once.

Had I been naive to believe that Archer had felt the same way about our kiss? I was no expert, but how on earth was it even possible for only one person to experience that alone? But why would Archer kiss me—cross that invisible line—if it didn't matter to him? Wait, did he kiss me or did I kiss him? I couldn't remember. It was all a blur of heavy breaths and tiny touches.

My brain was a jumble of anxious thoughts as I packed up my stuff and got ready to go back to school. I wasn't as sad to be leaving home again as I thought I'd be. I'd been at USC for almost three whole months now and this was my first trip home. I thought I'd be a shaking mess about leaving my family again, but I was okay. I really missed Mads and Emmett, and I knew I would be seeing my family again in less than a month for Christmas.

The satisfaction I felt from just simply being okay gave me the motivation to hold my head high and walk downstairs. My family were all waiting for me in the living room. Their sullen faces shook my confidence slightly, but I reminded myself that I had already gone months on my own, I could go one more.

"Come here," my dad said softly, opening his arms for me to join him on the couch. I sunk into his embrace, feeling the peace of my father's love washing over me as I rested my head on his chest.

I peeked up when I felt the cushion next to me sink. Oliver flopped himself down with an overdramatic sigh and sandwiched me in a hug.

"We're going to miss you, sweet girl." My mom smiled as she came over to rest on my dad's knee. My dad wrapped his free arm around her as we all enjoyed the last few seconds of family time. I loved seeing my parent's easy affection. They never hid how madly in love they'd always been with each other. I think it's part of the reason why Oliver and I are so comfortable with physical affection, it's always been the way in our house.

There was a knock at the front door before it swung open. Heavy footsteps clicked on the hardwood of the foyer before stopping at the entrance of the living room. My back was to the archway separating the two rooms, but I already knew it was Archer. Keep it together Charlotte.

"Go away. You can't take her," Oliver pouted as he tightened his hold on me. His comment was met with complete silence, which was abnormal even for Archer. He usually at least entertained Oliver's silliness.

I shook my dad and brother off to collect myself and stand up. The sight before me almost made me gasp. Archer was still wearing the same clothes he'd been in last night. There was a grey pallor to his skin that emphasized the stubble growing on his jaw. Dark purple bags protruded under his sunken eyes, almost like bruises. His eyes though... they made me want to cry.

As our gazes connected a chill ran over my spine. Archer's eyes were lifeless. It was a stark contrast to the last time I'd seen them swimming with warmth and intensity. Now they were dull, hollow, and disinterested. They roamed over our family huddle, coldly taking in the embrace we'd been sharing, before settling back on me.

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