Chapter 24

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    I woke up Friday morning feeling horrible. I'd tossed and turned until the early morning hours, obsessing over Archer and Oliver's night out. I knew it was ridiculously unfair to have expected Archer not to go out with his best friend. The two of them barely got to see each other, and going to pubs was their usual choice of activity. But a selfish part of me did want Archer to stay back last night.

    If I were being completely honest with myself, it wasn't them leaving that truly upset me. It was that the goal was to infiltrate a 'ladies night'. I had spent most of my sleepless hours playing out scenarios in my mind of the two of them wingmaning for each other. Did Archer meet anyone he liked? Did he hook up with them?

    I know Madeline said that Kayla and Brit were wrong when they came to USC. But I was convinced now that was not the case. I was in over my head. Last night proved it. Even if Archer didn't hook up with someone, one day he would. When it happens, he won't be the bad guy and I won't be the victim. But I will be hurt. I didn't think I could move forward with our relationship the way it was now, paranoid for when that day comes.

    These thoughts swirled around in my head while I showered. The hot beads of water pelted my skin like little bullets. By the time I got out, my skin was red but my brain was more clear. There had to be a way I could preserve my friendship with Archer. I just needed to protect my heart, something I wasn't able to do when I was 16. I had to pull back enough to put some space between us. Hopefully, that would allow me to sort my feelings out and create more defined boundaries in our relationship.

    The Friday after Thanksgiving was traditionally a home day for all of us. My mom would make a huge pot of turkey soup and we'd spend our time lounging and eating leftovers. Sometimes my parents would invite a few friends over, but it was always relaxed and informal.

    With that in mind, I wore light blue skinny jeans cuffed around the ankles with rips in the knees. Then I paired it with one of my old Chargers shirts; a grey vintage tee with light blue arms. I quickly put on some natural makeup and dried my hair into their natural curls.

    The morning passed slowly. I helped my mom cut veggies for the soup and prepare platters of leftovers for sandwiches. The rhythmic chopping centred my mind as I fell into the easy routine of being in the kitchen with my mom. These were moments I had taken advantage of in my teen years, but now that I was away from her, I saw how precious they were.

    Around noon, Oliver's door slammed open and two heavy sets of footsteps made their way down the stairs. I braced myself just before they rounded the corner into the kitchen, and managed to set my face in a placid smile.

    Archer and Oliver came slumping into the kitchen, both with eyes puffed from sleep and wild hair. Oliver greeted us amiably before walking around the counter to pour two cups of coffee. I could feel Archer's eyes on me as he hung back for a moment.

    "Come, sit down, the food will be ready soon," I said cheerfully as I looked up at him. He walked slowly over to the island to sit down, eyeing me as though I was an animal he was unsure was safe. Mustering all of my strength, I tried to send out peaceful energy as I smiled again and went back to my task.

    "So, how was your night?" I asked as Oliver set next to Archer and passed him a mug of coffee.

    "Awesome," Oliver replied. "I can't believe you guys go back already tomorrow. I might have to come up to USC for a weekend before Christmas."

    I nodded absentmindedly as Oliver recounted a story from last night. He hadn't mentioned any girls yet so I was only half listening. My mom asked me to go find paper plates so I wiped my hands on a towel and left to the back room.

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