Chapter Twenty Nine: War

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I know I said, no more until two weeks, but you people's theories have made me laugh so much that I just had to do this. Most of your theories are wrong. Totally wrong!

Well, happy reading.

"They wheeled her to the room in the top floor as per orders from the surgeon ma. But I heard from a reliable source that it was his brother who requested for her to be moved there. Miss Hannatu and Mr Ibrahim only have about two hundred thousand in their accounts, it's not enough to pay for that room."

The recipient of his words nodded, letting her bejeweled cane hit the floor in understanding.

"Have they made moves to arrest that boy?" The assistant shook his head, he was still surprised as to why the man was not arrested, evidence of his crime was caught on camera, people protested on Twitter, but the police stood by their statement that they could not arrest him unless Labeebah woke up.

"Keep a thorough eye on the girl. That person is backing that boy up in the shadows and until you find out how safe it is, we cannot take chances. Okay?" The slim, lanky man nodded at her.

" Find me a helicopter ride to and from the hospital tomorrow morning. I need to see Hannatu my self." The slim assistant nodded and put the phone where he left a reminder in his pocket, he wanted to leave but he stood there waiting, rooted by his questions.

"Ma, hmm..." The Matriach of the Dambazzau-Sambo family flicked a glance at her assistant. He seemed to want to know something.

"I'm not sure Ms Hannatu will receive you well, it's been nearly twelve years since you last saw her." The Matriach bit her lower lip in concentration, before replying his question.

"I've cut off all her avenues. She'll be angry, but eventually agree. The girl's life is in grave danger from that boy and the person who is behind him. I want to go there first, offer all my help, lay the cards on the table before they do." The man nodded, but he still had questions so he didn't leave.

"What do you want?" She asked slowly, feeling miffed already. Her voice came out in whisper, but he didn't leave knowing that she was already angry.

"Will you bring here? To Lagos?" The Matriach sighed, then a laugh bubbled out slowly.

"How do you guess my thoughts even quicker than me?" She asked him with a totally white haired eyebrow raised. He bowed his head and waited for her orders.

"Ask someone you trust to get the house on Aderogba lane to rights. Paint it in calming colors, await further orders." He nodded and walked out of the room, making sure the heels of his shoes made no noise. He was over forty years old, but feared the old madam like it was his first day.

He looked up at the clock, saw that the helicopter company would close in an hour and he hurried to the door that led to the outside, where his office was located.

The old madam he left behind watched the door shut with a low click before pulling off the turban cap she had worn that morning over her all white strands hair. She sighed and tapped her hand against the arm of the gold turkish sofa she was sitting on, she tapped it over and over and wondered if her daughter would receive her at all.

Mallam Nasir said it right, she might not get a good reception. But, who is Hannatu where someone wants to take away the only person who has served as her child for twelve years, she would do whatever it takes.

The old woman got up, walked to the bathroom and slowly performed ablution in advance for Zuhr prayers. She set out her large praying mat, picked a long hijab, and by the time the adhaan for prayers was playing, she was already starting her prayers.

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