The Past

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Mari/Ladybug Pov:

(Past time: )

"Com'n LB! Why can't you see we're made for each other." Chat yelled as he was swung around a pole. I kept climbing. "M'lady! My love don't leave me!" at this I froze. I turned back, and yelled 

"I Hate You!! You killed my adoptive parents!" I tapped my mask, and Kalki's glass'es appeared. "Kalki merge!!" before Chat could say anything, I yelled

"Voyage!", grabbed his ring and jumped into the portal. 

The last thing I saw, before I blacked out, was the familiar bakery.

Nobodys Pov: 

Jason Todd, and Marinette Todd (When Tom and Sabine adopted Marinette they legally changed her last name to Dupan-Cheng.) were best friends. Jason and Marinette were hardly ever separated. Years later, Marinette's house burned down, she thought it was her fault her beloved Jason was dead. 

So, when Lie-la (Sorry not sorry.) came along,she boosted Marinette's depression along. Chat Noir found out Ladybug was/is Marinette. When both Ladybug, and Marinette, rejected him, Chat turned bitter. He thought Marinette's parent's were the ones in the way. 

So, he killed them. Marinette's adoptive mother, Sabine, Chat Noir ruthlessly cataclysmed her, her last words were

"Go Home Mari." And Tom, Chat Noir, the one-time hero, now villain murdered Tom. A cold-heart-ed killer.

Hey all! I know your not going to read this.  .  . but, Thank you! for reading, please put any comments (on how bad my writing is, or suggestions for the story, or anything!) Have a good day/night!

--IK out

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