A Stroll.

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Hi All! Since Dussu's feather was such a short chapter.  .  .  HERE. (This part is a BONUS not relevant to the story.)

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng." someone said, breaking the soft silence of the library. Suddenly, everyone was filled with memories. 


"Go DIE!" Alya yelled at her once-bestie, questioning what had happened. The Marinette she knew would never hurt someone, not even if she was super jealous. But, somehow, her caring bestie turned into a monster. Maybe she really was hiding her true colors. Maybe she really wasn't nice, just lying in wait for the perfect prey to come by.

"I can't believe I was ever friends with a monster, like you." with each cruel word she through at Marinette, the weirder she felt. Mari would never hurt anyone, and yet, she bullied Lila. How long was Marinette mean? and she just didn't notice it. 

"I wish you would die." what she really meant, was, I wish I would die.

I can't believe she's dead. It's my fault.


"Marinette, just play along! Her lies aren't hurting you!" Marinette sighed, and looked down. Adrien just kept talking.

"I can't believe jealousy would turn you into a selfish creature! Your such a bully! You could have gotten over this if you'd TAKEN THE HIGH ROAD. You never would have become a bully. I'm sorry I can't be friends with a spineless coward that takes her jealousy out on others!" Oh, how wrong he was, If only he'd known. She wasn't a jealous bi - sorry, - brat.  She wasn't the bully. 

I can't believe she's dead. It's my fault.


"We were friends. How could you do that to me?" Ivan yelled at the poor innocent girl infront of him. She used to be so kind. Actress. 

"Liar, Bully, you are a disgrace to this class." She winced. He ruthlessly continued.

"You were a horrible class rep." He'd known, the second before he'd said that, she wasn't. She actually was good at her job. She still was kind, he was just to blind to see it.

I can't believe she's dead. It's my fault.


"Really? I can't believe you were always a brat. You- you- I trusted you. I helped you." Mylene spat at Marinette. 

"Bully." Rose scoffed at the girl.

"GO KILL YOURSELF!" Mylene shouted at the girl. The girl who only ever fought for them, the girl who never lied, the girl who loved them.  

I can't believe she's dead. It's my fault.

Lo, the class felt horrid. 

(All those that WERE NOT MENTIONED are MPS, or impartial.)


Marinette Protection Squad 

*Chloe- Princess Honey

*Luka- Viper

*Kagami- Ryuko

*Max- Pegasus 

*Alix- Bunnix

*Kim- King Monkey

*Nino- Carapace

Chloe, Luka, Kagami, Max, Alix, Kim, Nino:


Bonus OVER!! This part is relevant to the story.

Ok, back in GOTHAM. 

Marinette sighed, and whispered, "I'm sorry." looking at the stars, memories flooded in. Chat murdering her Adoptive mother, and father. Alya beating her up. Ivan being mean to her. All the pain, and suffering from Paris, .  . 

"Marinette?" Tikki asked, recognizing the look on Mari's face. "We should go for a walk" Marinette turned to her, and nodded. "Sure, TIKKI! SPOTS ON!!" 

Pretend there's a matching mask as well

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Pretend there's a matching mask as well. :) 

"Oh Tikki! I love it!!" Marinette, sorry. Ladybug squealed as she Yo-yo-ed  out her window.

Nobody's Pov:

"Batman? There's a .  .  .  I don't know. Meta-human?" Tim said through the coms. "Go have a talk with her." Batman responded. Tim droped infront of Ladybug, causing her to step back, and swing her Yo-yo like a shield. 

"Hello.  This is Gotham. We don't like new Vigilantes 'round here." Ladybug smiled. "Hello Timmothy." Everyone heard this over the coms, Tim's eyes widened. "Who are you?" she giggled. 

"I am Lady Scarlet, or Scarlet bug. However, if you call me Ladybug, I WILL KILL YOU.

Ouch!'s could be heard over the coms. She giggled again. "Well, if that's all, I'll be going now." She said, and before anyone could say anything, she grabed her yo-yo, and swung of.

"Was that, a Yo-Yo?" Daiman asked. All anyone could do was nod. 

Welp, that's that.  Y  E  S  .  I posted at (a little after) Midnight. DEAL WITH IT. I have the reading I-Ready (Good lord, I am not ready.) tomorrow. ( Yes, I know it's actually TODAY, but I haven't gone to bed yet. .  .) Wish me luck! (I NEED IT.) Anyways, I'm worried that with all the time it will take, I might forget to update, so.  .  . I UPDATED AT 12:05 

Bye for now,

With love,


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