Chapter 5

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Today was Bella and Edward wedding. Liliana was staying at Sam house with the pack while Seth went. Then Sam got a call from Seth saying Jacob was here. Sam, Embry, and Quill went to go get him. Bella was none of their concern anymore. They couldn't do anything about it. The treaty was still intact. At the Cullen house Jacob was yelling and screaming how Edward will kill Bella. "Walk away Jake" Seth said as he tried to get Jacob under control. Jake pushed Seth off of him. Embry and Quill came and had to hold him back. "Enough Jacob" Sam said. "Stay out of this Sam" Jacob said. "You aren't going to start something that well have to finish" Sam said. "She'll die" Jacob said. "She isn't our concern anymore" Sam said. Jacob walked away hitting shoulders with Sam. Embry, Quill and Seth walked away.
~a week later~
It has been a week since Edward and Bella left for their honeymoon.

The pack was at the beach

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The pack was at the beach. Lily was sitting on a blanket with Kim talking while the guys played soccer. Quill was playing with Claire. Jake was talking about how they would explain to Charlie that Bella was dead an how he would get on good thing out of it. "No you won't. Cullen are not a danger to the town or the tribe." Sam said. "He is either gonna kill or change her. And the treaty says" Jacob said but was cut off by Sam. "I say Jacob. I say" Sam said as he ran to the blanket where Kim and lily were. Paul sat next to lily while Sam layed on top of her. "You know if you wanted things to be different you should have become alpha." Embry said. "Jake you think if you would be able to kill Bella when she games back a vampire."Seth asked. "Nope make one of us do it and blame it on us" Leah said. "Oh shut up Leah" Jacob said. "Can't you get over it. It's not like you imprinted on her" Leah said. "I wish I imprinted in someone" Seth said as he looked at all the imprints. They all looked too. Lily and Sam and Paul laughing an talking with everyone else. "Yeah I guess people are just lucky" Embry said. "Lucky they have to be stuck with that person forever." Jacob said in disgust.
~a week later~
Bella and Edward had come back early because Bella thinks she is pregnant. Jacob and Lily came to see her. Lily and James walked in and saw Bella on the couch laying down. "Rose wanna help me up" Bella said. Rose helped her up. Lily gasped at the sight of Bella. Bella was pregnant. "Congratulations" Lily said. Bella smiled at her. Jacob was angry. Bella wanted to talk to Jake. Lily and Edward went outside and talked as they were talking they saw Jake walking away. Jacob pushed his bike and shifted into his wolf form and shows in his mind what happened to Bella. He then howled. All of the wolves howled back and ran to the place where they have pack meetings. "Is it true Jacob""it's growing fast""it's unnatural" "dangerous""monstrosity""an abomination" "on our land" "we can't allow it." they wolves said. Sam then growled to get their attention. "We have to protect the tribe." Sam said. "Wait where is lily" Paul asked. "She is with Bella. She is gonna help Bella with the baby" Jacob said. Sam and Paul growled at the fact their imprint was willing to help. After the confrontation with the wolves Jacob, Seth and Leah all left Sam's pack. When Jacob for back to see Bella he saw lily sitting next to her. Lily smiled at all three wolves and they smiled back.
~a couple days later~
Lily was sitting next to Bella talking. Bella pulse was weak. Lily thought of an idea. "Why don't we give her blood. Maybe that might help" Lily said. The Cullen's nodded. "I will give her my blood. I am a werewolf as well so my vampire blood won't affect her at all. But me and Bella will be linked. What ever happens to her happens to me." lily said. The Cullen's were shocked but nodded at the idea. Carlisle stuck a needle in lilys arm and he blood was coming out. He then put it in a cup and gave it to Bella. Bella started to drink. "Tastes good" Bella said. Everyone smiled. Carlisle checked her pulse. It was strong. "Your pulse is getting stronger" Carlisle said. "Thank you lily" Edward said. "Anything for a friend" lily said smiling.

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