Chapter 5

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Night has fallen by the time we get down to the bonfire. Everything looks so different in the darkness. There's an eerie light coming from the moon, which is hiding behind the massive trees. The dark sky appears to stretch for miles in every direction. There must be over a million stars in the sky, twinkling and shining brightly above us.

It reminds me of when I was a child. My dad used to have this little tradition when we visited my nanas' house. She lived out in the country. Miles away from any cities. He would take us all outside to the most giant hill on the property with our blankets. We would lay them out and spend hours looking up. All of us took turns trying to find the brightest star. Whoever won got to make a wish.

I still remember the day after he died, my whole family went to my nanas after the service. Everyone was crying and telling stories. I couldn't take it. When no one was paying attention, I snuck out and went to our secret spot. I stayed there for what seemed like forever. Finally, I found it. The biggest, brightest, glistening star in the sky. I wished so hard that he would come back.

Of course, it didn't happen.

Massive amounts of people are already here, sprawled out everywhere on blankets. Some are sitting in lawn chairs or tossing games of cornhole.

The jocks from earlier are huddled up. Once again, throwing the same old tattered football back and forth through the air. They're all still wearing their varsity jackets.

We walk around for about ten minutes looking for her friends. After searching the crowd for so long, their faces all begin to blend together. The farther we walk, the darker it becomes.

A small petite blonde-headed girl is sitting near me on a giant log. I watch as she uses her friend's shoulder for support while dumping huge mounds of sand out of her shoes. Looking down, I'm suddenly very thankful for my old worn-out boots. I've had them for years. Back in my shoplifting phase, I had taken them from the store. I wore them everywhere. Now they're not much to look at. The tannish color is faded in most spots and almost all the silver gems along the top are missing.

It feels weird hanging around with someone as popular as Sky. I'm not used to it at all. At home, everyone pretty much avoids me. Everywhere I look, random guys are drooling over her.

I know they're not looking at me. They never are. Everywhere we walk, drunk college guys' eyes are following us.

Some are even bold enough to whistle, making obnoxious cat calls.

I thought boys were supposed to mature as they got older. Obviously, that doesn't apply to college guys.

I almost walk straight into Sky. Not paying attention, I had been so focused on watching everyone around us. I hadn't noticed she had stopped at a group of people.

She immediately squeals as she rushes up to them. I decide to stand back and observe for a few moments. Now that we're here with her friends, I'm not feeling this whole situation. Trying not to attract any attention, I start to back up. But I'm not fast enough. She waves me over to where she is standing next to some guy.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly drag myself towards them.

"Bex, this is Jake. He's been my best friend since we were in elementary school. He likes to party. But he's actually an undercover brainiac, "she giggles. I stay quiet as she introduces me to an attractive shorter boy with sandy blonde hair.

Like Hayden, his body is also covered in tattoos. he might have more than him. He also has several piercings on his face. Besides the tattoos and facial piercings, he is very good-looking. He probably could have been a model if he hadn't marked his face up.

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