chapter 27

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It doesn't take me long to find him. He's seated down at the edge of the property on an oversized moss-covered log with his back towards me, hunched over. From what I can see, he's holding his head in his hands. I stand there for a few moments watching him, trying to work up the courage to approach him. I'm so confused. Why would he do that? I can't make any sense of it. He is here with Roxie, so why does he care who I am with? It's silent out here besides the distant noise of the party off in the distance. People are outside but not being loud. Some are making out, others appear passed out, face down in the yard. A group of people are hanging out off to the side, playing a game of corn hole.

"Are you okay?" I ask nervously, pausing before taking a few more cautious steps toward him. Each step I take echoes off of the nearby trees. The scattered leaves on the ground crunch beneath my feet. He doesn't respond right away. I watch him, waiting for any sign that he acknowledges me. The coldness from the ice is causing my fingers to go numb.

"Why do you even fucking care? Because I messed your pretty little boy toys face up," he growls at me under his breath. The harshness in his voice scares me, causing me to jump. I've never heard him this angry before. He lets out a deep breath, lifting his head and staring out across the fields. I don't know if I should even try to talk to him right now. He seems aggravated. No, he doesn't get to act like a fool and get away with it. I take a deep breath, stepping forward a few steps.

"First off, he's not my little boy toy. To be honest, I don't even know what his name is. I'm sure he told me what it was before, but I don't remember," I snap, fully aware of how that must make me sound. I close the small gap between us, coming to sit beside him on the log.

"Oh, and by the way, I brought you some ice and a towel. I mean, if you even care," I mumble, attempting to grab hold of his hand. Once again, I flinch as he immediately yanks his hand out of my grasp, scooting his body farther away from me.

"Look, I don't need you to come out here pretending to feel sorry for me. Or even trying to act like you give a shit," he snaps, his voice still low and angry. I try to read his face, but the darkness makes it impossible. I can't even see his features. Closing my eyes, I sit there for a few minutes, going over different versions of this scenario in my mind. He is still in the same spot when I open my eyes. After weighing my options, I decided to try again, scooting closer toward him. He doesn't pull away this time, instead his body tenses in response.

"What do you mean? I don't feel sorry for you. Why would I? You started a fight with some random dude for no reason," I begin, but he harshly cuts me off.

"No reason! Are you fucking kidding me right now? He had his fucking hands all over you!" he screams, spits flying from the corners of his mouth. The log jerks backward violently as he jumps up, frantically pacing back and forth. He looks scary, with his eyes bulging out while he tugs at his hair. I hate when he does this.

"Stop pacing and let me clean your hands, at least. It's important to see if you broke anything. If you let me at least check that, I'll leave you alone afterward. I'll go back into the party and forget this ever happened deal?" I plead with him, holding up the towel and ice, hoping to ease his anger. He stops walking long enough to stare at me. I can tell he's contemplating my offer. This makes me feel a little better.

"Whatever, do whatever the fuck you want. I don't care," he grunts, but begrudgingly strides over and sits beside me. He refuses to look at me, but agrees to hold his hand out. The smell of his blood triggers me as the metallic smell overwhelms me. I have to keep it together. I can't break down right now. It's not the time or place. Thankfully, I'm able to push past the memories. He allows me to continue wiping away the fresh blood that's trickling out. The light from my phone shines onto his hands, revealing a large amount of scars across his knuckles.

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