chapter 21

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The next morning is a complete blur. My mind is a jumbled mess of memories from last night. I barely listened to any of the conversations that were happening over breakfast. We found a small little cafe near the motel. It wasn't much to look at, but at least the food was good. Plus it was pretty inexpensive. Everyone seemed so excited about our trip to the costume shop except for me.

The ride to the store was quieter than I had expected. Everyone was so absorbed in the beautiful scenery passing by us out the windows. The sky was a brilliant shade of baby blue. Mass amounts of oversized pink and white clouds appear streaked through the sky. They're so fluffy, almost like freshly spun cotton candy. Several tall mountain tops stand off far in the distance, with scattered trees here and there. It was as if the mountains were a part of the sky, blending perfectly in. I've never seen anything else quite like it. It's so beautiful, breathtaking even.

Even the small little town we stopped in was gorgeous. They have small stone shops lined along the cobbled streets. Each one is unique. It wasn't like the city, with pollution everywhere and people all over. It's quiet, and even the air tastes better. Cleaner and more refreshing.

The costume shop is everything that Sky had explained to me. It's huge. From the outside, I would have never guessed it would be this big.

There are thousands of rows of different-styled costumes. Completely stocked from the floor to the ceiling. There are over a hundred unique items scattered throughout the store. Each of them Halloween-related. I didn't even know there were so many things that could be associated with this holiday.

Anything you can think of, they have. Costumes, face paint, masks, and wigs. Decorations, even pumpkin carving kits and so much more.

It's dimly lit, which gives off an even more creepy vibe. Ghosts and goblins on a wire suspended everywhere, hanging down from the ceiling. Giant blow-up pumpkins stacked on top of each other create a huge archway. That divides a separate section for even more decorations. Aisles of costumes line the floors. They have headless bloody mannequins positioned at the end of every row. Each one is sporting a different costume for display.

Along the far wall, they have a projector screen playing a horror film. I'm pretty sure it's a scene from the new Halloween movie set on repeat. With no sound, it's even creepier.

Thousands of pieces of different-styled costume jewelry are out on display. Showcased in giant locked cases arranged in the middle of the floor. Huge, colored gems and various-sized diamonds shine each time the light reflects off of them.

"We should be dirty nurses," Skylar exclaims. Showing Hope a set of matching red and white nurse uniforms. Hope wrinkles her nose up at them before pulling two sexy cat costumes off of a nearby shelf.

"Or maybe we can do a group costume. You know like The Wizard of Oz" Jessica's voice comes from somewhere on the other side of the costume rack.

I don't have any idea what I'm even looking for. Or no clue what I want to be. Halloween is an overrated holiday. My fingers glide over the different materials as I skim through the section of costumes near me. Nothing catches my eye. There are a few zombies, a Hannah Montana one, several nuns, and even a rain cloud.

I continue down the aisle. Only finding Nala from The Lion King, a sexy school teacher, a dozen priest costumes, and a pirate. Equipped with a plastic sword and black eye patch.

"I don't normally compete in dress-up," Hayden whines, walking behind me. My body automatically tenses from his touch. All I can smell is his cologne surrounding me. It's so intoxicating.

"Aww, why not? You would make such a cute little pirate," I tease, trying to get my emotions under control. I pick up a loose eye patch, swinging it around on my finger.

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