chapter 24

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"Bex, Hayden, wake your lazy asses up. I'm hungry and we're all ready to go home. " Skylar's whiny voice carries through the thick door. My eyes snap open as her fist connects with the door again. Resulting in another loud thud echoing throughout the room.

"Hayden, get off of me and get dressed!" I hiss, trying to keep my voice low so no one else hears me. I'm drenched in sweat from the weight of his bare body pressed against me.

"Ugh," he grumbles as I shove his arm off of me, jumping up out of bed completely naked. Half asleep, I rush around, gathering my clothes off of the floor. Picking my sweatpants up, I attempt to shake the wrinkles out of them before sliding them on. Not caring what I look like, I snatch up the first t-shirt I see from the floor. I'm not in the mood to put my panties or bra on, so I wad them up, tossing them into my open suitcase.

My eyes rake over his body, the sunlight bouncing off of his tan skin as he sits up. I can tell he's not awake yet, rubbing his eyes and stretching upwards. I'm reassured of our actions from the previous night when he throws the comforter off of him. Seeing him like this in the light brings it all flooding back.

"See something you like?" he asks, catching me red-handed, staring at him. Not waiting for an answer, he grabs his pants off of the floor, not caring about the wrinkles. He throws them on, also opting not to wear underwear this morning. Despite him catching me, I can't help but continue staring at him. Even when he's not aroused, he's still quite large. I have to tear my eyes away from him as he shimmies his pants up over his hips. I have to stop myself from starting something we can't finish. Another loud knock disturbs my naughty thoughts. Annoyed, Hayden storms over to the door, throwing it open.

"What the hell" Skylar barks as soon the door opens wide enough for her to come barging through.

"I was in the bathroom and sleeping beauty over there wouldn't get up," I joked weakly, pointing over to Hayden. Who now was still frantically searching for a shirt. Skylar's eyes travel all around the room. Suddenly they grow wider, a weird expression etched across her face.

"Why is only one bed messed up? And are you wearing his shirt?" she questions me, pointing towards my chest. I glance down quickly, realizing my mistake. I had grabbed his shirt instead of mine. No wonder he is still sitting on the bed with his bare chest out. Realizing what shirt I had grabbed, I moved my hands down, trying to cover up the nut stains along the bottom. A sudden feeling of disgust washes over me. I hadn't even thought about us cleaning ourselves until that exact moment.

"Girl, you know I make my bed as soon as I wake up," I mumble, playing it off. It's not a lie. I make my bed at the dorm every day. I'm used to doing it. That was one rule my mother insisted I follow every day.

"Plus, last night I took a shower. When I got out, he was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him so I grabbed something and threw it on in the dark," I inform her, shrugging my shoulders. I'm acting cool on the outside, but inside I'm freaking out. I hope she believes me. It seems like a logical enough explanation to me. Last night I didn't have any regrets, but now that she is standing in front of me, I can't help but feel guilty.

"I guess, whatever. Grab your stuff and let's go. I'm starving," she huffs. Her hand coming to a rest on her hip.

"Also, give me your keys so we can start loading everything up," she demands. Her eyes glued in Hayden's direction.

He's given up on finding his shirt as he points over to where his keys are on the nightstand. Without saying another word, she snatches them up and bolts out the door.

It's hard to ignore the awkwardness in the air between us while packing the rest of our belongings up. When we reach the car, they're already seated with everything crammed in the trunk.

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