chapter 26

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More people are in the house partying, crammed inside. The smell of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana overwhelms my senses. Thick grey smoke blankets every inch of the already overcrowded entryway. I grab hold of Sky's arm, interlocking mine through hers. I refuse to lose her in this crowd of drunk college kids. Half of them I have never even seen before tonight. Music is blasting from every direction. The bass turned up, echoing so loud I can't even make out the words. People are dancing everywhere, including the floor and on random tables. A lot of them are completely off-rhythm. Too drunk to even care.

A group of younger-looking females are bobbing along to the beat on the steps. They're hiding their faces. They think they're slick, holding up red solo cups while laughing behind them. I doubt they're in college. If anything, they suckered some poor dude into believing they were of age. They look like high schoolers if that. I remember being that age. I thought it was so cool sneaking into college parties. Now I realize how much worse those situations could have ended up. I was fourteen, acting like I was a grown woman.

Several strobe lights and a fog machine set up at the bottom of the steps are going crazy. There is a thick layer of fog covering the ground. Our arms still interlocked, Sky leads us through a small mob of people. I follow aimlessly behind her towards a beat-up enormous plaid couch. Upon closer inspection, it's overstuffed with several large rips in the material. Random chunks of foam are desperately trying to stay in place, clinging to the ripped fabric. Certain sections appear worn down, almost sagging to the ground beneath it. More stuffing makes its way out of the seams as we plop down.

I watch as Ben sits on the arm of the sofa, patting his lap. Jessica, understanding his gesture, pounces into his lap. She's like a child eagerly waiting in line for hours to see Santa Claus. His eyes light up, burning with lust as he looks at her. He watches her before rushing to bury his face against her neckline. They are a cute couple, despite their personalities and differences. I never in a million years would have thought that they would hook up out of all people.

Despite my jealous rushed opinion of her the first time I saw her with Hayden, she is gorgeous. I'm jealous of her luscious long, thick blonde hair that curls perfectly up at the ends. Her superb high cheekbones that any model would wish they could have. Which helps to bring out her other features. Such as her ocean-blue almond-shaped eyes and petite, slender nose. Let's not forget to mention her vibrant, outgoing personality. She is the total package.

Whereas Ben is the polar opposite. His personality is quiet and more soft-spoken. He never voices his opinion or is the loudest in the room. I have caught myself more than once, forgetting that he is even in a room. Sometimes even forgetting him until he speaks or makes a random noise. He keeps his dark brown hair short with his bangs ending right above his black-framed glasses. I continue watching them as she taps him on the nose with her fingertip before leaning in to kiss him.

"Oh look, Haydens got a new flavor of the week. I didn't even know he liked redheads." Skylar hisses sarcastically under her breath, but loud enough for us to hear. I fight against my urges. My brain is telling me to look, but my heart is begging me not to. Honestly, I doubt I can handle seeing him with someone else. I know we're not exclusive, but that doesn't matter. It would still hurt. I refuse to look. My eyes dart around. I try to look everywhere except for where Sky is pointing.

After scanning the room anywhere and everywhere, I'm at a loss. I'm running out of things to look at without looking weird. At that moment, my eyes focus on a small cigarette burn, burnt into the wobbly little oak table in front of me. Anything is better than seeing him right now. This burn has to be recent. It still has remnants of fresh ash crusted along the edges.

"I'm surprised it took him this long. I've never seen him go more than a few days without finding a new one," Hope pipes up beside me. Blocking her out, I continue staring down at the table. Now finding several other burns around the edges. My mind begins trying to play the game connect the dots with them. I fail miserably.

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