1. Without her

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Nishikata dropped himself on his bed after he returned from the festival. While he lay on his bed, he thought about what happened that evening. He held up his hand and kept staring at it. 'I can't believe that I was holding hands with Takagi.' A blush started to build up on his cheeks. His heart started to pound and he could feel that something had changed. Something, he wasn't able to realize. He kept thinking about the time when he grabbed Takagi's hand and said that he did this because he didn't want to lose her.

"What is happening to me? Why can't' I keep myself from thinking about Takagi? Let's go and have some juice. Maybe it would help to refresh myself."

Nishikata went downstairs and got himself a juice from the fridge. He sat down and started to sip it. He was still thinking about holding Takagi's hands and blushing awkwardly in the dining room.

Meanwhile, Takagi came back home and changed to her night dress from the kimono she was wearing. 'So much happened since last week. From Nishikata asking me out to the summer festival to holding my hands when he found me. I am still thinking how he made up the courage to actually do that. In fact, I have already tried a lot to convince him to do this, but, he never got the hint. Does that mean....' she caught the glimpse of the hair pin Nishikata gave to her and started to blush... 'Oh Nishikata'


Shortly after the summer festival Takagi went to a vacation with her parents for two weeks. Nishikata had to spend these two weeks without Takagi.

One day, he was doing his math homework. He got stuck badly in a math problem. After several tries he was still not able to do the sums. He became frustrated and closed his math copy and mumbled "Only if Takagi was here, she could have easily solved this problem. When will she return? It seems like I have started to miss her" Nishikata suddenly realized what he had said and started to become red. 'Wait what? I miss her? This never happened before...in fact, to think of it now, every now and then, I would start to think about Takagi. Damn! What is happening to me? Maybe taking a walk will clear my mind a bit.'

He went downstairs and said to his mother, "Mom, I am going to take a walk"

"Be safe and return before dinner, honey" Nishikata's mother replied from the kitchen.

He started to walk towards his school. As he was walking, he still couldn't get Takagi out of his mind. He kept thinking of the holding hand incident at the summer festival. 'agh' he thought while vigorously rubbing his head and blushing 'why am I not able to get Takagi out of my head.' Eventually he arrived at the vending machine 'Maybe a juice will help me to chill a little bit.' He thought. He was going for an orange juice, but somehow, his hands got to the grape juice. As he opened the can and took a sip, 'Takagi likes this flavor a lot..' again, he went red as he had thought about what Takagi liked and even chose the same for himself. He shouted "WHY AM I ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT TAKAGI". He took a big sip from the can and sighed.

"Hey Nishikata, are you okay?" said a voice from behind. He jumped in surprise and turned around. He thought 'could they have heard what I said!!? Oh no!!!' "Hello Nakai. Yes everything s fine." Beside Nakai, Mano was standing holding his hands.

"That is good to hear. I and Mano are out to have a juice and we found you." He smiled while saying "So, what were you saying about Takagi?"

Nishikata's face started to burn 'They heard!' "Ah n-n-nothing. W-why would I think about T-Takagi of all people?"

"Chill dude, what's there to freak out?"

"n-n-nothing" Nishikata's face calmed a little, "So you people are having fun right?"

"Yes, it's been long since we had been to school. I wonder what's our other friends are doing."

"Only a couple of days left to go, so, let meet again someday."

"Sure, by then." Nakai and Mano left.

'agh, first weird thoughts about Takagi, and then them. My day is not going good without Takagi...How bad will it be with her. I think I should go home and sleep.

*After Takagi's return*

Nishikata's phone started to ring. He was busy with playing video games when he groaned and got the phone. But the person calling was none other than Takagi. He forgot his game and received the call with a blush.

"Hey Nishikata I am back" Takagi said.

"H-hi Takagi, good to know that you are here."

"uh-huh...so you missed me right?" Nishikata started to blush

"who s-said I missed you? I-I just kinda uh"

"So you did not miss me. It would not have mattered to you if I did not return?" Takagi said with a fake anger in her voice.

"I did not mean that, common Takagi"

Takagi started to laugh out loudly. "Oh Nishikata, you are so influential.

"Huh" Nishikata said.

"Hey, wanna meet"


"Yeah, meet me at the abandoned plot. And let's play a game. Whoever reaches there first, wins"

"And what is the punishment for the loser?"

"Come here and I will tell you. And if you don't come...you know what I can do."

She hung up the phone.

'Common man, she has started teasing me from the moment she returned. I should better be get going, or who knows what she has thought for a punishment.'

Nishikata got his shirt on and left. While leaving, he thought to play a game on Takagi. He got the surprise box which he prepared for her this whole summer. 'Takagi...Be ready for the surprise I prepared for you. This time, even if I lose on this challenge, I will surely make you blush with this little thing for sure.'

So, i published the first chapter. Its taking a lot more time than I expected. After writing this Chapter, i realized that writing in 3rd person i really difficult. so, from the next chapter, i will write in POV or first person view. it will shift between Nishikata & Takagi. 

Hope you guys like it. i will upload the next part on Thursday as my exams are still going on. Till then...


Just Say It (A Teasing Master Takagi-San Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon