5. Hints

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Same warning as before, but not much intense...

Nishikata's POV

"Good morning Nishikata" Takagi said, standing beside my bed.

"Morning, Takagi. Wait! WERE YOU SLEEPING WITH ME?"

"What if I did?"

Oh crap, now, I have started to spend night with Takagi. No this can't happen, think Nishikata think...

"you look so cute while sleeping" Takagi said with a smile.

I face got flushed with red. "What d-d-do you mean" I was completely red now.

"I mean, wait, what did you think this time."

Did she really sleep with me?

"No" She suddenly said, making me jump.

"What no?"

"I did not sleep with you. But I think you wanted to..."

"NO, OF COURSE NOT" I got red again. Seeing my pathetic condition, Takagi burst out laughing.

"Your reactions are priceless, Nishikata." She said between laughs.

"Huh" I said and went to the bathroom. I wanted to take a shower, after so much torture from Takagi. I brushed first and then took off my shirt. I was about to take my pants off when suddenly Takagi entered and saw me with my hands on my pants. I think I got so red that my ears were smoking. I covered myself with my arms and stepped back, not noticing I was moving towards the toilet. I tripped on its base and sat on an open toilet with my pants on. Go figure.

Takagi burst out laughing, again. In between laughs, she said, "Nishikata, you need to take your pants off before doing number 2."

"W-What are you doing here" I said still sitting on the toilet and covering myself. "At least knock b-before y-you come in. I need some privacy here."

"Oh, so that means I can come in after knocking?"


She started laughing again.

"What d-do you want?

"First, get off the toilet."

I realized I had been sitting on the toilet and so I got up, still blushing. Then Takagi said, "I just wanted to ask what you wanted for breakfast."

"Anything you like."

"Ok then, have your privacy now." She left.

I enjoyed my privacy, away from Takagi...or did I? I have spent so much time with Takagi...that it seems I love to have her beside me. When I realized what I was thinking, I said to myself, "WHAT AM I THINKING? I SHOULD CLEAN MY MIND NOW"

After having a shower, I went downstairs. Takagi was still cooking. Well I guess she knew cooking well, other than teasing me. I went for the fridge for some juice. I love having juice when I was frustrated. Then suddenly I remembered something, I forgot about the gift. The juice did help me clear my mind, in some way. I ran upstairs and found the candy in my drawer. I took it with me and headed downstairs.

When I reached there, Takagi just shut the stove down and turned towards me and said, "Breakfast is ready."

I stammered, "Uh T-Takagi"

She turned towards me, smiled and said, "Yes, Nishikata"

"Uh, I just got a gift for you..." I handed the gift to her. I noticed something different when she took the candy pack. I think, I saw a shot of red colour on her face, which immediately faded as it appeared, and she said, "Oh, so you are now bringing gifts for me...so romantic."

"N-NO!! I j-j-just bought it because my mother told me..."

"Then why did you not bring the sour ones like last time?"

I blushed, harder and harder. "I just uh"

"Nishikata, just say it."

"Just say what? Wait, what do you mean?"

"You are hopeless Nishikata" she said inflating her cheeks, "I mean just say that you did not purchase because they were out of stock."

"Yeah...I guess."

"Let's have breakfast first, and then we will have the candies."

I sat down and when I was about to take my chopsticks, she snatched them from me and said, "Your hand has not healed yet, I will feed you."

"N-no that's n-not necessary."

"Let's play a game. If I win, I will feed you."

"S-Sure, go ahead."

"I will ask you a question and you will ask me a question. The one, who can answer the fastest, wins."

"Sure, let's begin" huh, Takagi, I will surely win this time. I know you cannot ask me any further embarrassing questions."

"So I go first. Tell me what were you thinking in the bathroom for which you needed to clear your mind?

What, how did she know? Wait, was she listening to me when I was in the bathroom?

"No, I was not eavesdropping. You were so loud that you could be heard from the kitchen. Now tell"

She read my mind again. I stammered, "I, Uh, thinking of, uh how can I say it?"

"Common Nishikata, just say it."

"I was thinking about...uh...a plan to get you back...yess. But when I didn't get one, I said that I needed to clear my mind, so that better plans can approach my head, yeah, that's it."

"Oh, well, that's ok..." She said and become somewhat disappointed. I would not dare to say what I was thinking, but what was she expecting to hear? God knows.

"So that's my turn, well, tell me, who is your crush."

She calmly answered, "Kimura"


"I never said that the answer has to be true..."

"Oh...I guess right."

"Nishikata" She faced me and said "did you become jealous when I said I liked Kimura?"

I started to blush again and said, "N-NO THATS NOT W-WHAT I MEANT. I-I-IT O-ONLY T-THAT H-H-HE IS NO-PERFECT FOR Y-Y-YOU!!"

"So, who is perfect for me, according to you?"


"Never mind" she said and sighed.

Takagi's POV


"Never mind" I said and sighed. How dull can he be? Since I came in, I have been constantly giving him hints, but he never seems to get them...never. How am I supposed to bring a breakthrough in our relationship?

"Now, since I win, I will feed you." I continued.

"Wait" he started to blush again "How did you win?"

"Well, that's simple; you took more than 20 seconds to answer where I took only 2."

"Well, I guess I lose again."

I started feeding him while he blushed and ate like an obedient child. It felt so good, having Nishikata close to me. Only if he wasn't so dull, we would have been better off...

After feeding him, I finished my breakfast. We were sitting on the chairs when I noticed the candy. Well, another naughty plan daunted my mind...

Me on fire, uploaded a new chapter within 24 hrs. lets hope i will again upload tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Lets wait for votes and reviews.

Till then...


Just Say It (A Teasing Master Takagi-San Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant