31. Just Said It

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Nishikata's POV

I called Bortika as soon as my mother finished caring my newly swollen forehead. Almost three weeks had passed since I had got hit by that man and it took me to fall in the bathroom and hurt my forehead to remember what happened that day. I was about to confess to Takagi. No one was telling me what happened because they thought that it would cause my health go down. Until I got hurt, I only remembered about Takagi teasing me. So, when I saw her frown when I was with Bortika, I used her to actually tease her. But, I started to realize I had feelings for her, but kept denying it, like before. So, I went home with Bortika earlier. She has become a good friend of mine, but I hope she doesn't develop feelings for me.

When Bortika picked up, she said, "hello?"

"Hello, Bortika?" I said, "Please come to my house quick, I can remember everything."

She just said ok and cut the phone.

After 10 minutes, I heard the doorbell. I opened the door and let her in. Then, she said,

"What happened to your head?"

"I just fell in the bathroom and hurt it. But, this is the reason I remembered my past."

"What do you remember? I know everything, I heard it from Mano, but I want it to hear it from you."

"I remember that I was about to confess to Takagi, but was interrupted."

"Good, that's all?"

"Yeah, I also remember that I was about to leave the country because of a huge misunderstanding. I need some help"


"Help me get a gift for her. I think that you are the only person I can trust with it."

"Yep, I guess that true. So, what do you want to buy?"

"Let's meet at the mall, we will decide it there. Then, I will surprise her at the kiss tree."


She went outside, turned around and said, "See you at the mall."

After she left, I said, "I need to get her a beautiful gift."


About three hours passed when my phone suddenly started to ring. I saw that Bortika was calling. I swiped the answer button and said, "Hello?"

"Nishikata, there has been a problem. Takagi knows! She knows we are going to the mall. But she thinks that we are dating."

"How did she know?"

"Our favourite trio followed me and apparently heard that we were going to the mall."

"Shit, what should I do now?"

"Chill, lets tease her a little bit. BUT, you have to confess now. Throw the plan of getting her a gift out of the window. Just get a rose for her. Meet me at my house within 30 min after the school is over."

She disconnected the line while I rushed to the local flower vendor.


I dressed normally and tucked the rose inside the back pocket of my jeans. I slowly walked towards Bortika's house and rang the doorbell when I reached there. She opened the door. She was dressed well. She shouted into her house, "I will be back in an hour" and closed the door behind her.

We walked silently for a while when Bortika suddenly said, "So, what's the plan for today?"

I felt strange, because she already know what the plan was. I was about to answer her when she got her phone screen toward me. There was written, 'Takagi following, read below.'

I understood and read what was written there loud, "Nothing much, we will go to the mall. But, let's go to a secret place. No one knows it except me and Takagi. And, that will be a quite place to do it."

When I said 'do it' I felt a little blush on my cheek which I was able to hide.

After that, Bortika increased her pace and I followed her example. I heard Takagi scream my name, but Bortika gestured me not to listen. Soon, we crossed the main road which Takagi was unable to cross as she got a red signal.

When we were walking on the footpath, she said, "Take us to your secret location"

I nodded and said, "Will it make Takagi misunderstand me now?"

"No, from how I have studied her, she has enough courage to confront you."

"I hope it goes out well."

When we reached the kiss tree, Bortika said, "She will be here any minute, practice with the tree for a perfect confession. Bend to your knees, it gives a good impression. I am becoming you teacher for love and romance now. Practice while I hide myself"

I started practicing. When I was about to say it, I heard, "NISHIKATA!"

I turned my head and blushed when I saw Takagi standing, looking devastated. She said, "Please don't do this Nishikata! You were about to confess me that day and now you are confessing to Bortika"

Suddenly, Bortika plopped behind her and said, "Who is he proposing to?"

"She turned around to see her, and then pushed me aside to observe the tree. When she found no one behind it, I said, scratching my head, "I was just practicing."

"You were practicing to propose her?" She said, glaring at me, at which I blushed harder.

Bortika said, "Oh come on Takagi I thought that Nishikata was the denser one. But, you are not far behind him. Why will he confess to me? We did all this drama to bring you here and surprise you. But that fool is blushing again"

She turned to, with a much calmer and softer expression. I blurted out with most of my courage, "Takagi, I remember everything now. What happened that day, I do remember. I was about to say it, but was interrupted by that man. So I shall begin again. Rie T-T-Takagi, I-I want t-to t-t-tell y-you t-that, ughhh...."

I do not know why I was stammering this time, when I had managed to say much without stammering on that day. But Takagi calmly said, "Nishikata, Just Say IT"

I sighed and said, "Here goes nothing." I put the rose forward and continued, "Rie Takagi, I want to tell you that...tell you that...Uhhh...tell you that... I...love....you..................................."

I know many of you are annoyed by this confession, or about the fact that Nishikata is confessing. But, for me, Nishikata confessing is better than Takagi confessing. sorry if i annoyed anyone.

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Till then


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