18. Memories- 6. Loss

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Nishikata's POV

Sadly, Takagi is also absent today. I don't know why, but I surely know she is not sick, because she was present yesterday.

Tanabe Sensei was teaching in the class when my phone vibrated. I made the book stand in such a way that my face not visible. I got the phone out of my bag and unlocked it to see what the matter was.

It was a message from Takagi. She had written, 'pls meet me at my house after school. It's really important'

I quickly typed an ok and put the phone back to the bag as Tanabe Sensei was coming towards me. I wonder what's wrong now.


I was walking towards Takagi's home after school. After I said ok, she had specifically mentioned to go to her immediately after the school was over. Something was absolutely wrong. She was absent. She was sending me texts to visit her, and the mist astonishing part is, she is not even teasing me.

I had texted my mother that I would be late today and explained the current situation and I had to promise her that I will keep her updated.

I rang the doorbell, but this time, neither Takagi not her mother opened the door. Instead, an elderly man opened the door. He was some inches taller than me and had a good physique. He had a round face and athletic body. He was wearing a black suit. Wait...black suit...isn't it the mourning colour? Something is indeed wrong. I need to meet Takagi.

The man perhaps did not know me, so he said, "Yes?" his voice was broken and his face showed that he was crying.

I said, "Hi...uh... I am Nishikata, Takagi's friend. She said me to visit her."

"Oh, sorry... I did not recognise you. Please come in."

I followed him, closing the door behind me. While walking to the living room, he said, "By the way, I am Takagi's dad."

"Nice to meet you, sir."

When I entered the living room, there were a few people sitting, all in black dresses. All of them were staring towards a picture. When I saw the picture, I understood what the scenario was.

It was a picture of Takagi's grandmother, the old lady I had met when I visited Takagi when she was sick. She had expired. I was just staring at the picture in awe when someone pated my back. I turned around to see Takagi's mom.

She whispered to my ear, "Nishikata, can you come to the kitchen for once? I need to talk to you in private."I nodded. She glanced at Takagi's father and he nodded as well. I followed her to the kitchen.

She seated herself in a chair while I sat opposite to her. Then she said, "I think you have already figured out what has happened."

I nodded and said, "But...how?"

I was clenching my fists. That old lady was really kind and generous. She treated me like she treated Takagi. In such a short time together, I had somewhat loved her. Her loss was really hurting me.

Takagi's mother said, "It all happened yesterday night. She had a sudden heart attack. She survived the night, but she expired today morning." I nodded silently, and then I suddenly remembered about Takagi and said, "Where is Takagi?"

"That's the main problem. When she heard about her grandma, she just went silent. She was having her breakfast when we got the news. She was just sitting there, without doing anything. After that, she ran to her room and locked herself inside. We tried to make her come out by saying many reassuring word, but she just won't. She really loved her grandmother. Her loss has really broken her down."

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