
648 15 40

Chapters: 34

Words: 41000 (approx)

votes: 199

comments:  976

So, the story has officially has ended. this will be somewhat of credits chapter

So, first of all, who wants a sequel? it will be based on their life together. 

Even if i write a sequel, it will not come out until may 2021. in fact, i have to go to temporary hiatus because i need to prepare for upcoming competitive exams. wish me luck for that.

Also, i have some other plots in my mind, like science fiction, romance, humorous, mystery, etc. tell me which one you want and i will do it after may 2021.

so, here goes the credits.

18parnahauzansurastincoGCipher_301knight_of_zodiac and aleclc:- Thanks for voting almost all my chapters.

GDHR2207, Siosonoze Thanks for the informative, straightforward and supportive comments

TopRedNinjaHilmdeadpool these are the commenters of my story, who have loads of comments in all my chapters. i thank you for that, bcos, they helped a lot. although i wish you could bring your cursing down a bit.

Harshthalwal thanks for the decent and supportive comments.

to all of you who stumbled across this story, read it, supported it and gave suggestions, Thanks! hope to see you all in my other stories.

So, thats all for now. see you in your individual stories. Also, Rate my story out of 10 in here.

Thanks again


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