||Chapter 4||

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Chapter Four


"Don't Sacrifice Yourself

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"Don't Sacrifice Yourself. That Never Ends Well"

   Lorrie didn't like being woken up in the middle of the night, but she also wasn't much of a heavy sleeper.

   She crawled out of bed and tripped over Trevor making the vampire stir. Lorrie stood still and hoped he would just go back to sleep, but luck wasn't on her side. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes, and looked to Lorrie through a squinted gaze.


   "That's the first time you've called me my real name. You must be really tired."

   Trevor hummed. "Where are you going?"

   "I heard a noise outside of my room. I was going to check it out."

   Trevor breezed in front of her. "Well, can't have you looking for a fight with a possible intruder alone, now can we?"

   Lorrie sighed, not feeling awake enough to fight him on that. She slowly opened the door and the two slid out, but Lorrie nearly ran back into her room in sheer terror.

   In front of her was an almost completely naked Alaric talking to Elena. The two turned and looked at Lorrie and her vampire company in surprise. Before any of them could ask any questions, Jenna walked in wearing only Alaric's shirt. Jenna looked to Elena in embarrassment and ran her hand through her hair.

   "That was us. I'm sorry."

   Alaric smiled awkwardly at Elena."We didn't think anyone else was up."

   Jenna looked over in Lorrie's direction to see her and a man she had never seen before gapping at the scene before them. "But here you are… by the way, who are you?"

   Lorrie pointed at him. "Guard dog."

   Trevor pointed right back. "I resent that statement."

   Neither of their eyes strayed from the three in front of them. Lorrie began to back away, pulling Trevor with her. "We're just gonna… go back to sleep."

   Trevor pushed the door almost completely shut. "Does that mean I get the bed too now?"

   "Dream on. Get back on the floor."

   Jenna looked to Elena in question. "Who was that?"

   Elena looked disturbed. "Um, that was Trevor. Him and his sister are staying with the Salvatore's for a while… I don't know why he's here though."

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