||Chapter 14||

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Chapter Fourteen


"It Is What It Is When You're Bored"

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"It Is What It Is When You're Bored"


   Lorrie sat on her throne, one leg thrown over the side, the other dangling over the seat. She held her head in her hand as her elbow sat on the arm rest, her crown was placed crookedly upon her head. Instead of the formal dress that a queen would normally wear, Lorrie was covered in her Daedric armor, sans the helmet which sat against the side of her glorified chair. Her thoughts were plagued with violence. That stupid, idiotic mage thought that he could take over her kingdom in her absence. She had more than he ever could, however. She had the loyalty of her troops. She had strong, tight knit alliances between the different cities. The moment Rufubo and his band of idiots set foot in her kingdom, they were overwhelmed by her army and imprisoned within the hour.

   Rufobo. He believed himself a true mage, but he was really just a one trick horse. The only spell he really knew was the basic flame spell. He got lucky with the banishing spell he cast on Lydia and Lorrie, but that's all. He was a complete joke amongst his peers at the College of Winterhold. He went rogue and had many failed assassination attempts on her life on his belt. He really couldn't do anything right. It was sad. She was embarrassed for him.

   "My Queen," Serana knelt as she walked in, a smirk on her face.

   "You know you don't have to call me that, right?" Lorrie asked. She sighed as the vampires glowing eyes bore into her and the smirk on her face grew. "Of course you do. You just want to spite me. What do you need, old friend."

   "Ha ha, very funny, Ro. Apparently, Lucintin Whitelli has asked for your hand in marriage… again," Serana stated distastefully.

   "Does he not know how to take a hint? This is, what, the twentieth time? Thirtieth? It's getting past sad," Lorrie rolled her eyes.

   "Hm, wonder what excuse he's made up this time. 'Oh, she's just under the weather, is all' or 'She's going through her lady cycle again, she'll come around'," the vampire leaned on the side of Lorrie's throne. "Just tell him to get lost. Or maybe, let me drain him dry and leave him in the woods. It solves two problems. My thirst and your annoyance."

   Lorrie really wanted to accept that tempting offer, but she couldn't. He was quite influential and held a high status in trade. If he were to die, the system would get shaken and that's no good for anyone.

   "No, no. I can handle a snot nosed brat, Ser, I promise."

   "If you say so, my liege," Serana drawled sarcastically.

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