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Ever since Isa came back from Diagon Alley, Annabeth pestered her into telling her everything. She even stole the books she bought and went to read it in Cabin 6. Isa stored her things under her bunk and left her wand by her bedside table, untouched and still in the box.

Knowing that she'd be leaving camp soon, Isa trained harder than ever. She stopped teaching sword-fighting classes to train with the older campers like Clarisse. She also brushed up on her mythology and Ancient Greek with Annabeth; foot raced with the dryads; practiced archery with Chiron⎼she was getting better at it; climbed the climbing wall and spent more time at the beach.

September first rolled in quicker than she wanted it to. Isa was a mix of nerves and excitement. Only her adrenaline was keeping her up. Luckily, Annabeth forced her to pack her bags a week earlier. If she had the choice, she would've packed it the night before. She and Annabeth dragged the suitcase Beckondorf gave her all the way to the Big House with Thalia trailing behind them.

"You have your ticket?" Chiron asked her.

Isa held it up to show him. "Yup!"

"Here, another portkey to transport you to King's Cross Station. It leaves in two minutes," Chiron told her, handing her a book.

Annabeth gasped at the mention of King's Cross and muttered, "I've always wanted to see it!"

Isa got the book from Chiron and looked at them sternly. "You guys promise to tell me if something bad happens?"

Annabeth and Thalia looked reluctant to agree.

"If you promise us that you will learn how to control and manipulate your magic," Thalia bartered.

"And get good grades," Annabeth added.

"I promise," Isa said with a smile. "And I'll try with my grades."

"Good enough for me," Annabeth said. "Behave and write to us, okay?"

"I will," she promised and hugged each of them goodbye.

Isa landed with another thud on a hard concrete floor. She cursed under her breath before brushing the dust off and picking up her luggage. Looking around, she saw she was at a very busy train station.

"Watch it!" A moody British woman told her when Isa accidentally bumped into her.

"Gods," Isa muttered before rolling her eyes. "It was just an accident."

She looked around helplessly searching for a Platform 9 ¾ but saw nothing. Only Platforms 9 and 10. Then she had a crazy idea.

'There's no way,' Isa thought to herself. 'There's no way it's through a wall. But then again they are pretty weird... Ah! It's worth a shot. What's the worst that can happen?'

Aligning herself with the wall between Platforms 9 and 10, she took a deep breath, braced herself then broke into a run. Isa was ready to crash but felt nothing. She peeled her eyes open and was met with a huge, red steam engine that reads: HGOARWTS XERPSES. Isa realized it said HOGWARTS EXPRESS.

"Woah," Isa said, looking at it in awe. "I didn't know people still use those things."

The platform was bustling with families. Some moms were crying and fiddling with their kid or kids, not wanting to send them off just yet while the dads were prying their wife away from the kid. Isa felt a tug at her heart. Watching these families was a newsflash to her that she was alone and would never have it. The closest she'd get to that is just having sisters and brothers which she already had back at camp and now a new one here, Harry.

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