Chapter 5

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A week later, Alexandra was sitting in the living room with some of the other family members. Alice walked in, excitedly.

"We should go to the field and play baseball." Alice said. "There's a storm coming, so it's the perfect time for a game."

"That's a great idea, Alice." Esme said.

"What is?" Rosalie asked as she and Emmett walked into the room.

"Playing baseball " Jasper said.

"Hell yeah." Emmett said. "I'm in."

"Edward, why don't you see if Bella wants to join us." Carlisle said.

"Ok." Edward said, standing up. "I'm going to go over to her house and ask her." He walked out the house, got in his car, and drove off.

Alexandra went up to her room to change. She changed into a baseball shirt and pants, put a baseball cap on, and put a scarf around her neck. When she finished changing, she headed downstairs. Jasper and Emmett were loading the bats and gloves into the Jeep.

"Everyone ready to go?" Carlisle asked. The rest of them that were in the house nodded and headed outside. They all got in the Jeep and headed to the field.

When they got halfway to the field, they got out, grabbing the stuff, and vampire sped the rest of the way. They all warmed up while they waited for Bella and Edward to get there. They soon arrived and they got started.

"It's time." Alice said as they heard a roar of thunder. Alexandra was the first one to bat. She held the bat up as Alice threw the ball. She hit the ball far in the grass and started running. She made it to home plate just as Esme caught it.

"Safe." Bella said. Alexandra stood up and walked over to where Esme and Bella were.

"You don't play with them?" Bella asked.

"No. I prefer to referee." Esme said. "I like to keep them honest."

"Do they like to cheat?" Bella asked.

"Oh yeah." Alexandra said. "You should hear the arguments we get into."

"I hope you don't." Esme said. "You would think they were raised by a pack of wolves."

"You sound like my mom." Bella said, laughing.

"Well, I do think of them as my children." Esme said, chuckling. "I never could get over my mothering instincts. Did Edward tell you I lost a child?"

"No." Bella said.

"The only child I had died a few days after being born." Esme explained. "It broke my heart. That's why I jumped off the cliff."

"Edward just said that you fell." Bella said.

"Always a gentleman. He was the first of my new sons." said Esme. "That's why I'm so happy that he's found you. He and Alexandra have always been the odd ones out. It's hurt me to see them alone." Esme gave Alexandra an apologetic look.

"So, you don't mind?" Bella asked. "That I'm all wrong for him?"

"No. You're what he wants." Esme said. "It will work out." Alexandra felt a tinge of jealousy towards Bella and Edward. She saw Edward and Jasper look at her.

"What about you, Alexandra?" Bella asked. "What's your story?"

"I was the first one that Carlisle changed. My story is similar to Edward's." Alexandra started. "It was 1864 in North Carolina. My mother and I had both caught Scarlet fever and were in the hospital. Carlisle treated us. My mother died, but Carlisle decided to change me."

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