Chapter 9

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A week went by. Over the past week, Alexandra had spent all week in her room. Her family had tried to get her to go hunting. Even though she couldn't drink animal blood, they were trying to get her out of the house. But, none of their attempts worked. She had started drinking blood again, but not a lot.

Alexandra was in the forest, sitting on a tree stump near the cottage. She was thinking about wanting a mate. Every time she thought about that, venom would well up in her eyes. She heard footsteps and turned around. She saw Carlisle standing there. She turned back around, not saying anything to him. Carlisle joined her on the stump.

"You ok?" He asked. Alexandra didn't answer. "Feeling any better?"

"Physically, yes. I'm a little better than I was a week ago." Alexandra replied. Carlisle was quiet, knowing what she meant. "I'm sorry." Alexandra said. "It's just too hard being around you guys. It hurts knowing that I'm the only one in the family that doesn't have a mate." She could feel the venom in her eyes. She started to sob.

Carlisle pulled Alexandra into a hug and rubbed her backing, soothingly. "Shh. It's ok." Carlisle said, stroking her hair as he tried to calm her down. "We understand that it's hard for you seeing all of us with our mates. We're sorry that it is. We wish there was something we could do to make you feel better."

Alexandra just nodded. She knew that her family felt bad that she was down. She wasn't mad or angry with her family. It was just hard being around them. Alexandra calmed down a little bit with Carlisle consoling her. Carlisle handed her a glass filled with blood.

"Drink." He said. Alexandra shook her head. "Alexandra." Carlisle said. "You really need to drink some blood. You can't keep doing this to yourself." Alexandra sighed. She knew he was right. She took the cup and drank it. "Good girl." Carlisle said, smiling at her. "Now, why don't you go get ready for school."

"Do I have to?" Alexandra asked.

"Yes." Carlisle said. "Alexandra, you have to go to school."

"Ok." Alexandra said and stood up. The two of them headed back into the house and Alexandra went up to her room. She saw an outfit already laid out for her. Alice probably laid it out for her. She changed into the outfit and put her contacts in. When she looked in the mirror, she looked like a human would if they had just woken up from sleeping. After she made herself look presentable, Alexandra picked up her bag and headed downstairs. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw her family in there.

"Morning Alexa." Rosalie said.

"Morning Rose." Alexandra said. Esme went up to her and hugged her.

"Good morning, sweetie." Esme greeted her with a kiss on the forehead.

"Good morning." Alexandra said. She looked at her family. "I'm really sorry you guys have all been worried about me." She said. "I didn't realize I was worrying you guys so much."

"It's ok, Alexandra." Jasper said. "We understand how you could be upset about this and we're sorry it's been so hard for you to be around us." Alexandra smiled at her brother.

"Here you go." Esme said as she handed her a water bottle filled with blood.

"Thanks Mom." Alexandra said, giving Esme a hug.

"Don't forget that Bella is coming over tonight for her birthday party. Both Alexandra and Rosalie rolled their eyes.

"Let's go." Edward said to Alice and Alexandra. The three of them walked out of the house, got in Edward's car, and headed to school.

When they got to school, Edward and Alice headed for Bella. Alexandra started to head towards the entrance, but Alice stopped her and motioned for her to join them. "I don't even like her." Alexandra said.

"Just come on." Alice said, pulling Alexandra over to where Bella and Edward were.

"Hey Ally." Bella said.

"Hey." Alexandra said.

"How are you?" Bella asked. "Edward told me why you weren't in school last week."

"Yeah. I'm ok." Alexandra said nicely, but she glared at Edward.

"Here." Alice said as she handed Bella a gift.

"I said no presents." Bella said.

"You're going to wear it tonight." Alice said.

"And I definitely said no parties."  Bella added.

"It'll be fun." Alice said. Bella sighed. Just then, they heard the warning bell ring. Alexandra made her way inside and to her first class.

The school day went by quickly. Alexandra walked outside and went over to Edward's car. She saw Alice in the driver side. "Where's Edward?" She asked as she got in the car.

"He's spending the afternoon with Bella." Alice said. "Come on. We need to get decorations for Bella's party."

Alexandra buckled up and Alice drove out of the school parking lot. After they got the decorations, they headed back to the house. Carlisle and Esme forced Alexandra to help get everything set up. She did it without complaint.

"Both of you be nice tonight." Esme said to Alexandra and Rosalie.

"Fine." Alexandra said. Soon, Bella and Edward arrived. Alice lead them into the living room.

"Happy birthday, Bella." Esme said, hugging Bella.

"Sorry about all this." Carlisle said. "We tried to reign Alice in."

Bella started opening gifts. Alexandra had gotten her a bracelet that Alice had picked out. Rosalie gave her a necklace. Emmett got her a stereo for her truck.

"Open Esme and Carlisle's next." Alice said, handing Bella an envelope.

As she opened it, she ended up cutting her finger. Alexandra felt her throat burn. Usually something small as a paper cut wouldn't bother her, but her thirst had grown since she stopped drinking blood. She felt her throat burning, but she tried to keep it under control. Jasper on the other hand, was having a harder time. He growled and lunged at Bella. Edward pushed Bella against the wall as Carlisle and Emmett restrained Jasper. Alexandra felt her hunger grow. Bella had a huge gash on her arm.

"Get Jasper out of here." Carlisle said, before speeding over to Bella. "I'll need to stitch this up in my office. Edward, check on Jasper. I'm sure he's very upset with himself and doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now." Edward hesitated before walking out of the room. Everyone else walked out of the house, as well.

A few hours later, it was sometime during the middle of the night. Alexandra walked into the house, hearing Alice and Edward arguing. "We can't leave!" Alice said.

"It's too dangerous to be around Bella." Edward said.

"Can I at least say goodbye to her?" Alice asked.

"It's better for her if you don't." Edward said. Alice stormed off.

Alexandra went to Carlisle's office and found him there. "What's going on?" She asked him.

"Edward thinks it's too dangerous for Bella to be around us, so we're moving to New York." Carlisle said. "Go pack. We're leaving as soon as everyone's ready. Edward's staying a few days to say goodbye to Bella."

Alexandra nodded. She was kind of glad that they were moving because she didn't have to be around Bella anymore.

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