Chapter 10

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Two weeks later, everyone had gotten settled in at the house in New York. Everyone had started doing their own thing. Edward had gone to Brazil to be alone. Emmett and Rosalie were in Africa for another one of their honeymoons. Jasper was attending Cornell university and Carlisle was a professor there. He also was working the night shift at the local hospital. Esme was restoring old homes. And Alice was trying to find out about her human life. Alexandra was the only one who didn't really have a certain activity to do. Over the past two weeks, she would just sit around the house. Either reading or playing instruments or singing. Sometimes she would go with Carlisle to the hospital or with Esme to her work.

Alexandra was currently sitting in Carlisle's office, reading, while he filled out some paperwork. She was thinking about when Carlisle was talking to her a couple weeks ago. Alexandra loved all of her family members, but she was the closest to Carlisle. During that moment, that was the first time she felt like a 15 year old girl in a long time, despite being over a hundred years old. It hadn't taken her long, after he turned her, for her to see him as a father figure.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" Alexandra asked.

"Of course." Carlisle said. "What is it?"

"Why did you turn me?" Alexandra asked.

"I've already told you this." Carlisle said, looking up from what he was working on. "I turned you because I didn't think you deserved to die at such a young age."

"I know, but why me?" Alexandra asked. "I was the first person you ever turned. That must have been hard for you."

"It was." Carlisle said.

"Would you have done it if it was someone else?" Alexandra asked.

"More than likely not." Carlisle said.

"Then, why me?" Alexandra asked.

Carlisle sighed before speaking. "I had grown attached to you. You and your mother were the first patients I would always check on first." Carlisle explained. "And despite how ill you were, I thought you looked beautiful what I would imagine my daughter would have. You're hair is similar to mine and like you, my eyes were blue as a human."

"Thank you." Alexandra said.

"For what?" Carlisle asked.

"For everything over the past a hundred or so years." Alexandra answered. "I grew up not having my father in my life. And I've always seen you as like a father to me. I see Esme as a mother too, but I see you more as a parental figure than her."

Carlisle got up from behind his desk and hugged Alexandra tightly. "I sorry you had to grow up without a father in your life." He said. "I will always see you as my daughter." Carlisle had always seen Alexandra as a daughter from the moment he turned her. He saw Rosalie and Alice as his daughters too, but they were both physically older than Alexandra. They were both changed as young adults. Alexandra was only a young teenager when he turned her.

"I love you." Alexandra said. She could feel the venom in her eyes. If she was human, she would surely be crying.

"I love you too, sweetheart." They stood like for a few minutes. "I enrolled you at the high school." Carlisle said as they pulled away.

"Do I have to go?" Alexandra asked.

"Yes." Carlisle said.

"But none of the others have to go." Alexandra said.

"Well, Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward aren't here and Jasper is attending the college."

"Don't worry." Alice said, popping her head in the office. "I'm going too."

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