38| Save Me

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For rest of the day I didn't saw Kavya. She shut herself in her room. I didn't go after her, it's she who has to act like a grown up and not always run from her problems.

"Your room is so beautiful" I heard Sanam speak as I come out of the bathroom.

"Thank you" I smile walking near her.

"I've so much to tell you. So much" She said laying on the bed. I switched the lights off except the bed lamp and laid beside her.

"Shoot" I giggled. I felt like we were 15 again, when we would go and stay at each others house and talk endless. Time flies, fast.

"So, I was stalking basically everyone on Instagram and I came to notice that Anjana, the bitch, has unfollowed Abhinav"

"Her boyfriend!" I finished her sentence, confused. I thought things were good between them.

"Yes. And also she's deleted every highlights which included his gifts so I checked his account, which was private, so I logged into yours since you're following him"

I slapped her hand. "Who told you to open my account. I'll have to change my password"

"But I didn't read any messages, trust me" She said pinching her throat. "We're being diverted. So I checked his account and there's nothing about her except, him putting fire to many things"


"Seriously. You're the biggest tube light. He's actually burning all these things which she gave it to him. I think it was a bad breakup"

I sighed. "They both are gonna be in the break up phase"

Sanam scoffed. "Are you kidding. She's enjoying her life, she doesn't regret anything. If somebody is damaged with the break up then it's him, but I feel happy that he is freed" I nodded agreeing. "Enough about them. How are you doing?"

"I answered you the same question, just hours back when you came" She shook her head and I took a deep breath laying on my back. "Nothing is good"

"And fire it"

We laughed before I continued. "I didn't saw myself as a mother for the next two years. And then one day my husband is gone and days later I'm pregnant. I was not ready, Sanam" I placed my hand on the lower part of my stomach. "You know, I hid this news from everyone for two weeks. Then I told mom and she gave me the confidence I never had. I felt like I can do this. Then, I told Rehan. He was very happy and trust me I saw some tears on the corner of his eyes"

I smiled. "He is the only reason I haven't broken down. I'm counting days to meet him. There are days when I would cry, cry and fell asleep. Everyone is taking care of me but I'm on the verge of breaking down. I don't care if it's a second but I want to see him, I want him to be with me. With my baby"

Sanam hugged me as I cried leaning on her. "I'm sorry, like my bump, my hormones are starting to grow". We laughed as the night passed.

"So what do you do Sanam?" Dad asked as we sat together for breakfast.

"BA. English" She replied as the conversation continued.

I looked at my omelette and bread not wanting to eat but I've to. Mom said I'm not healthy and she's making me eat so much, sometimes I think my stomach will burst. My pregnancy is so weird, I've got no morning sickness, no laziness, no grumpiness, nothing. And mom is worried that I've no morning sickness, and I'm like "you want me to suffer, more than this!"

My back hurts so much and I'm putting on wait so much! Stupid Rehan!

"You're not getting up from the table without eating the food" Mom declared as she kept the banana shake near me. "And trust me Ved, If you eat her food once more I'll tell that to Rehan and when he comes you both will have to deal with him"

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