Chapter Three:

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Tate's POV

Three months. Three months of rotating shifts watching over my mate. Watching her live a life with another man. I made sure that my times when I watched over her were when he was gone. Probably at some job. It was hard enough not killing him for being with her. My mate. I couldn't watch it. Otherwise I didn't know what my wolf would end up doing.

Now with the trees bare and snow on the ground I had to stay further back so she did not spot my wolf.

I learned a lot about her over those months. She was a college student. She went to classes at the local college. She started almost every morning with a run, that was definitely from the wolf gene. She loved to read and spend time with your friends. It was a week after I had found her that I had finally learned her name after hearing one of her friends call her it. Hadley. It suited her well.

None of the other pack members were informed of who she was to me. There were only a select few even on the rotation. Other than West no one knew that Hadley was my mate. I intended to keep it that way.

I had been starting to lose full control of my wolf and the pull of the bond. My wolf was relentless. It craved our mate. My denying it was getting harder and harder. I was forced to shift more frequently. Running until my lungs burned and the thoughts were pushed back. But the pull was always there. My wolf lured me to thoughts of going to her. Taking her away back to the pack. We could keep her safer there. We could be with her.

I shoved those feelings and thoughts way down. Maybe I was being stupid but she had someone else. From all I had seen she had a good life. I wouldn't force a life on someone who didn't know what they were getting into. As a luna she would always be a target to someone.

I had to talk to her though. Just once. Just to know what it would be like.

Hadley's POV

I was dying of complete and utter boredom as I typed out my paper for my psychology class. I was researching the behavior of a local notorious serial killer. My brain was totally fried and I just needed to get away and take a break. I glanced out my window from my couch. The snow had stopped falling. The trees were dusted with white. It looked so peaceful and quiet.

I grabbed my coat and my purse and decided to walk to the corner store up the street. The cold air and a snack were just what I needed to hit the refresh. I kept my head down as the wind made my eyes water that I didn't even notice as I ran right into a stranger.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I looked up to see the most attractive man I have ever seen. His hair was a dark rich born with a slight wave to it. His eyes were a warm golden brown. He was much taller than me. Easily over six feet. I also did not fail to notice that he was extremely well built. Even with the coat I could tell he was sculpted with muscle.

We just stood there staring at one another. He was looking at me with so much intensity.

"Sorry I wasn't really paying attention either. I'm Tate." He revealed an equally gorgeous smile as he finished talking. Stop Hadley you have Cam. It was impossible to not notice how handsome he was. Everything about him drew me in closer. The richness of his voice.

"I'm Hadley. Are you new? I haven't seen you around town before." I forced the words out trying to hide the faint blush on my cheeks.

"Not really I'm from Ferris Park just visiting a friend" He said, still watching me with his intense gaze. I couldn't stop staring at him as I inched a step closer. What was wrong with me.

"Well I am sorry again for running into you. I'll let you get going" I said trying to hurry past him and compose myself.

"Actually I'm headed to the store so I'm going that way too. Want to walk together?" he said. That damn smile.

"Oh um sure that's where I'm going too" I said moving to his side.

"Are you a student here?" he asked. His eyes never left me.

"Yeah I'm a junior. I'm studying to be a psychiatrist. Are you a student too?"

"No. I'm not in school. I work for my family's business. We own and manage property."

"Very cool".

I had to get it together, and get it together quickly. Despite keeping my cool my heart was racing. I also felt like a horrible person. If I could feel this way about a total stranger maybe it was a sign that I should just break up with Cam.

 We both knew it was coming. Even though nothing was wrong there was this distance that just kept seeming to grow between us. Cam was great. Truly great. Despite how much I cared for him it wasn't working. We had been friends for years. I finally had decided to give him a chance and date him after years of him crushing on me. At first it had been so fun and exciting. It made me feel horrible knowing that I would never feel the way for him that he felt about me. No matter how hard I tried. 

"I'm glad I found you" Tate's voice said drawing me back in from my thoughts. His eyes looked sad. I don't know why but seeing him that way hit me for some reason.

"Yeah I guess it's lucky for you I'm such a klutz" I said laughing lightly.

"You have no idea" He returned my laugh, running his hand through his wavy hair. 

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