Chapter Ten:

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Tate's POV

"Darren I need to know that I have your support on this. With your pack neighboring Nolan's it's only a matter of time before you're in a similar position to us," I said looking over the Alpha.

Darren had been the alpha of the Blood Bane Pack for five years. He was the youngest of the alphas having inherited it at fifteen after the murder of his father Alpha Warren. Darren was anything but a young reckless alpha. He was stubborn and firm as a leader. Not one member had questioned his position as the alpha.

"Tate you should know by now that you have my support. Especially if it's against Fenris Moon. You know I don't agree with Nolan's.... Methods. I just think we need a better reason before accusing Nolan," Darren said.

"I know that it's Nolan who sent the rogue Hale into my pack for an attack," I avoided any mention of Hadley. I needed Darren's support. I wasn't about to over complicate things by bringing in the fact that Hale had been after my mate.

"I trust your instinct. When you can provide me proof you will have support. Until then I will not jeopardize my pack members lives," Darren said firmly. His grey eyes unwavering.

"So what was so necessary of me to come visit," I asked.

Darren's eyes shifted and became softer. "We found him wandering in the unclaimed territory," He signaled his beta Braxton to bring in the prisoner.

Braxton left the room and returned dragging in a man I had wished dead for my entire life.

"Hello Tate," He said with a wicked smile.

"Christopher." I spat.

"And how are my children, West and Devin?" he asked with a low snarl.

"They'll be much better now that I'm going to kill you," I said my voice coated in venom. "I've been waiting a long time to do this," I approached him ready to snap his neck.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Not when I know so much about the girl," He was calm and looking at me with that smirk plastered on his face. He had my attention now.

"What girl?" Darren asked.

"Yes what girl Tate? Why don't you tell him about the half breed you took in. The one that all the rogues are talking about," He was clearly enjoying the small power he held.

"We brought in a new pack member who hasn't activated the shift yet," I said blandly, not trying to show any interest in it. Darren was watching me closely. Assessing me with his gaze.

"But she's no ordinary half breed shifter. No no there's something much more interesting about her," Christopher went on. Stalling us he was stalling us. But he had me and he knew it. If it was about Hadley I had to know.

"Stop talking in circles Christopher. Get to the point," Beta Braxton growled yanking on the chain.

"Didn't you stop to wonder Tate who would be so reckless to mate with a mortal. Let alone sire a child. Especially one who gives off such a peculiar scent. A scent of deep hidden power," He went on raising an eyebrow.

Hadley's scent had been different but I had assumed that it had been because she was my mate and our luna. I had been curious about who her father was sure but now...

"If you know who her father is just say it," I growled.

"See I'm finding myself in a peculiar position. But I would be willing to make a trade for my information. Oh and trust me this is information you want," he said. Christopher had always been sneaky. More like a fox than a wolf. I could hear his pulse though. I knew what he was saying was the truth.

"You're on my territory and I don't make deals with abusive snakes," Darren said getting in Christopher's face. "Take him back down to the prison," Darren said to Braxton. Braxton dragged him out of the room with disgust on his face. Christopher laughed the whole way.

We stood there in silence until we were sure that Christopher was out of range.

"Why didn't you tell me about the girl?" Darren asked me flatly.

"I didn't think it was important, she's just a girl who joined our pack," I said, meeting Darren's stare.

"Clearly she's not just some girl," he said. "Do you have any idea who her father is?"

"Not at all. I just assumed it was some random wolf," I answered honestly.

"Christopher is the last person I want to make a deal with, but it may be in our best interest. If Nolan is working with the rogues he already has an advantage on us knowing what they know," Darren said firmly.

"I agree. But if West and Devin find out that I let their father live after everything he did to them... to our pack. That's not a choice I can make," I said.

"I'm not above breaking a promise to Christopher," Darren said a small grin breaking through.

The door opened and Braxton came in shaking his head. "That asshole is a real piece of work," he plopped in a chair. "What are you going to do about him?"

"We're going to let him rot in that cell for a few days" Darren said and then divulged his plan to Braxton and I.

It was a good plan.


I had made my way back to the rooms of the guest house that Darren had offered up to us during our visit here. His pack was the largest in the northern continent. His grounds practically looked like a college campus. I had gone over the plan in my head committing it to memory. It was a good plan.

Scott was waiting for me at the desk reading a book in my room. His auburn shoulder length hair was tied back and he was wearing training clothes. His green eyes showed no emotion other than boredom. It was almost impossible to read Scott. The only time I ever saw a fraction of emotion was when he was with Devin. But he was a damn good third.

"How did your meeting with Alpha Darren go," He asked, setting the book down.

"Christopher was captured," I eyed him closely waiting for his reaction.

"Did you rip his throat out," Scott asked calmly but I could see the rage in his eyes. His wolf was fighting to come through. Being Devin's mate Scott knew all the horrors Devin had been through as Christopher's daughter.

"Not yet. He has information we need," I said cautiously.

"What information could possibly be more important than killing him. You've seen her brands. You shouldn't have even given him a chance to speak!" Scott shouted, raising his face in mine.

"Sit down!" I said using my alpha voice. Scott sat back down on the chair immediately not being able to ignore the tone I used. It didn't stop the rage from practically seeping off of his skin. "I'm going to kill him, but if his information can protect us... I don't have the luxury of taking actions that only benefit me. I have everyone else to think of. So don't you dare challenge my choices. You know damn well how I feel about what he did,"

"Understood" Scott said with a cold voice. "You can be the one to tell Devin then when we get back about your choices," he stood up moving past me leaving the room.

I sighed laying back on the bed staring up at the ceiling rubbing my temples. I was mentally exhausted. Two more days. Just two days and I can finish what I started. 

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