Chapter Nine:

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I gasped trying to catch my breath after the impact of Devins' throw knocked the air right out of me.

"So next time don't let me get ahold of your arm or that will happen," Devin said with a wink. I rolled my eyes at the ceiling still trying to steady my breathing. I popped up back into my stance ready for Devin's next move.

"This doesn't exactly seem like a fair match. You have your wolfy speed and strength. I'm mortally slow," I complained.

"My wolfy speed?" Devin asked bursting out laughing.

I took that moment of her being distracted to sweep my leg out knocking her flat on her butt. Her face looked at me in a playful shock. Her mouth was wide open.

"Maybe that wolfy speed isn't all that great after all," I said, giving her a playful eyebrow raise.

"That's it I'm going to make you wish you never doubted my skills!" She said tackling me to the ground pinning me in place so I couldn't move.

"Well then, that's certainly a sight. Devin I don't know how Scott is going to feel about you straddling someone else. Maybe he's into this kind of thing though. But you know how wolves are. Don't like to share,". West had come into the training room at some point during our lesson. Devin and I looked at eachother and burst out laughing.

"What do you want West? Can't you see we're awfully busy," I said giving him my best up to no good face.

"I just got a message from Tate he wanted to let us know him and some of the other members made it to Blood Bane," West said.

"Anything from Scott?" Devin asked.

"Scott?" I asked.

"That would be Devin's mate and our delta," West explained.

"You have a mate? Is he like your boyfriend?" I asked. I knew some of the lore of werewolves. But I was still figuring out what was true and what was made up stories.

"Don't act so surprised. You'll meet him when he gets back. He can be an ass but he's mine. Mates are for life. It's kinda like marriage yet more. If he just referred to me as his girlfriend he'd be on the couch for at least a month," Devin explained. Clearly not joking at all.

"So if I shifted would I have a mate then?" I asked.

"Probably. Although I'm not sure how it works for half wolves," Devin said "Anyways let's keep practicing. You need to be able to knock me down even when I'm not distracted," she said getting back into her stance.

"Bring it on wolfy," I smirked. Devin was about to pounce on me when West stepped in between us.

"I want a shot at the mortal. You'll learn a lot more from me then my sister,"

"Just because you're the beta doesn't mean you're better at combat than me," Devin said crossing her arms.

"Actually Devin that is exactly what it means" West smirked. Devin walked off to the edge of the mat cursing under her breath. "Now don't worry little Hadley i'll take it easy on you," West went on.

West's blue eyes glowed in anticipation as he stalked circles around the mat. I followed his movements keeping a small distance between us. I was trying to recall everything Devin had taught me over the last few hours. I was athletic but fighting was a whole new concept to me. I watched him not taking a moment to blink. He was much taller than me and much stronger. But I was fast. If I could out maneuver him I could use his own size against him.

I didn't even have time to register as West grabbed me by the waist and flipped me onto my back, his knee resting lightly on my stomach but not allowing me to move.

"That Hadley is why I am the beta," West smiled leaning in. "You'll have to get some quicker reflexes if you want to knock me down,".

I rolled my eyes at him "Alright we get it. Big strong beta. I'll remember this moment once I shift. Then you'll really have to watch out,"

West was laughing at my threat, still pinned on top of me. He looked so much younger when he laughed. I wondered if he already had a mate.

West went from laughing to straight faced and focused. Mind link. West looked over to Devin and I noticed that she must have gotten the link as well.

"What is it?" I asked.

Devin sighed "There's been another rogue sighting on the edge of the territory. This one didn't bother coming in but one of the pack warriors thought it looked like the guy from the other day,".

"Hale," I shivered at the thought of his twisted mouth. The scar left him with a constant snarl on his face.

"Maybe," West said. "It could just be a random rogue with the neighboring unclaimed territory it happens every now and then. It's too soon for coincidence though,".

"Why is the territory unclaimed if it causes all these problems. Couldn't you guys claim it for yourself?" I asked.

"That Hadley is how wars are started" West laughed. "The territories have been settled for generations. For a pack to lay claim to additional land would be insane. The last time a pack tried their leaders were slaughtered," he wasn't laughing anymore.

"I see. So rogues are just a part of the deal. I just wish I knew what they wanted with me," I said.

"Tate should be back soon and maybe he'll get some of those answers. The rogues crossed a line coming onto our land for you. You're a pack member now they have no right to take you," He continued. "I'm going to circle the perimeter and make sure that rogue is long gone,".

He came up to me putting both his hands on my shoulders. "I won't let them take you Hadley. I promise that as long as you're with me you'll be safe,".

Maybe it was that he was protecting me. Maybe it was something else entirely but his words warmed some part of me. I belonged to this pack to this family. I could tell by the way his sapphire eyes held mine that he was being sincere. He was very attractive. I could definitely see the appeal he had on the other women of the pack. I had overheard them talking about him. The words hot and asshole being frequently used.

"I know I will," I replied softly. 

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